Part 6

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It was 4 am when we were done but I what happened next caught me by surprise. Tony stood up and JARVIS announced that Tony who unsurprisingly had scheduled a party needed to go through the guest list. I rolled my eyes before asking: "Is it a must-attend?"He nodded and everyone headed off to bed.

I walked back to my room and used magic to dress myself. I had decided to read while my instincts told me something bad was going to happen but I ignored it. My thoughts had trailed off to the god I basically had a connection to, he had been through so much and only had Frigga, just like I did.

I had lived a hard life for my own standards but he did as well. The feeling of being an outcast, then finding out why, it breaks a part of you. The anger I felt towards Odin was even worse now: first, he doesn't allow Frigga to help me, then hurts one of the boys she told me stories about, and finally, he doesn't care enough to admit that he actually fears what Loki can do at his high.

I had snapped out of my thoughts when I heard Loki knocking on my door. "You may come in," I stated and he opened the door then stepped in. He had tears staining his cheeks, obvious signs of crying, I stood up and walked to him with a genuine smile. "Loki, what happened, do you want to talk about it?" I asked but he just engulfed me in a hug.

I inhaled deeply before saying: "I went through your memories and saw that you thought you dreamed a weird dream but subconsciously you landed in one of my nightmares. I didn't know you were  there and I would like you to know that, that you can tell me anything."

He had cried in my arms until I heard a muffled: "Nightmares, Thanos torturing me." I had pulled Loki to my bed and laid him down. He was still sweating and I remembered the frost giant heritage thing before opening my palms and letting an icy mist escape them. Loki started to relax and I just sat there awake, trying to manipulate his nightmares into dreams of happiness and peace.

I had finally had a peaceful Loki laying on my bed, fast asleep, and had smiled while admiring his perfect features. At 8 his eyes fluttered open, I looked back down to the book in hand and without looking up said: "Morning." He looked up at me before his memory came back, he frowned but I stood up and reassured him that I was fine, he wasn't a burden, and that everything was fine.

I had used magic to bring him his tea but included some vervain in it. He smiled at me and after drinking his tea we walked downstairs where we had our illusions and facades on. I had glared at Thor and Bucky once more before Scott as usual commented: "Let's hope they don't get drunk tonight, for their sake and yours." I just rolled my eyes before Loki gave me a questioned look. <When they get drunk they speak their minds, they like to play games and drag everyone with them. Last time it ended badly>

Loki just nodded and I went to sit down when Nat, Pepper, and Wanda interrupted my reading with their girly screams. I groaned and sunk into the couch hoping they don't decide to drag me with them. "Nice try but your coming!" They exclaimed and I heard Clint snicker. I threw a dagger up into the vents before using my magic to make sure he doesn't get hurt.

They dragged me out and jumped in a car. I looked out the window in deep thought before snapping out of it when Nat called your name. "Alex?" she sounded concerned. "Hm?" Wanda tried to read my mind but I got her to step off then Pepper hugged, more like squeezed, me and said: "You never just zone out, hun, tell us what's wrong."

I turned to face them while saying: "I'm fine, just tired."  We had been shopping for three hours before Nat, Wanda and Pepper had their dresses. "Alex, you can't go in a suit or normal clothes! It's a formal event," Pepper exclaimed. I looked up and sighed: "I'm guessing that you're going to help, probably making me wear the weirdest invention of our gender?" They all giggled but nodded and two hours later we all agreed on a black and green dress which had to come with Black heels.

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