Part 10

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I was in Hydra again. This time I was 19 and Max, a vampire who I had already killed was torturing us while waiting for Dean and Felix.

I was broken physically, mentally, and emotionally. I had been blank-faced and when Dean and Felix cane back they drained me again. Yet I felt so unbelievably alone, weak, and numb.

"COME ON I DARE YOU! Please continue?" I yelled then asked them for more torture. They broke more bones and got me more suffering. I kept asking for more hoping my body would just give in. But it didn't.

I had broken out of the chains I was in and ran out far from reach.

I woke up, panicking then stood up and went to the balcony. I closed the doors behind me, slid down to the ground, and silently cried. Lex was next to me and I said: "I've been through too many whiles with Hydra and the worst thing is that even though I used to be able to hide from everything... He makes it hard to."

Lex barked: "Have you considered that you two are breaking each other walls down because you care for each other?"

I nodded and whimpered: "I-I can't hurt him, he can do so much better than me, why would he even think about falling for a monster such as myself? I belong in a cage, strapped to a metal table or chained in thick chains."

"Why-why would you ever think that?" a deep voice asked which made my heart clench.

I wiped my tears away then stuttered: "L-Loki? Sorry I didn't notice you. What are you doing up?"

Loki sat down next to me and Lex nodded at him. "I'm guessing I'm the bearable person he likes because you do?" he asked and I nodded.

Lex barked: "Just tell him already! About the dreams, the feelings everything!"

I nodded and Lex was off again. I looked up at Loki and laid my head on his shoulder as we watched the sunrise. "I still have nightmares and don't take this the wrong way but I don't seem to get them when I'm with you. I feel oddly safe with you and even when I relive my memories I don't understand."

Loki said: "Mother came to talk to me last night and she said that you've been through so many things that you changed. She fears what you will do to yourself."

I lifted my hand and dramatically released my claws then said: "I, uh, used to ask Hydra to keep torturing me, only because I felt too numb to life. This might sound weird but you've been the only person to be able to connect with me physically, mentally, and emotionally."

He smiled and whispered: "I feel the same and oddly enough you make me happy." He held me in his arms while we watched the sunrise. Then turned to me and asked: "Well, you know the ball tonight...Would you like to, uh be my escort?" I blushed and said: "I would love to be your escort."

He nodded then we went inside. I smiled and saw Lex practically smiling. "See you later, darling, " Loki greeted then left. Lex excitedly barked: "See I told you!"

I smiled and teleported to Wanda and Nat's room. "I need help!" I yelled and they both jumped up. They awoke and stared at me in confusion. "What help?" They asked in unison and I blushed while looking at the ground.

They squealed and I groaned. "Who!? When why how?!" I growled and yelled: "Ok shush and promise me you won't tell!" They acted like schoolgirls and then quieted down. I inhaled deeply then said: "Firstly I would like to thank you two for accepting me after all the secrets and secondly I have what you call feelings for a boy." Nat then knowingly smiled and said: "Might it be The God of Mischief?"

I blushed and nodded. Nat's mind raced to bets she made and I growled: "Did you make bets on how long it would take for me and him to feel for each other?!" They nodded and I rolled my eyes.

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