Part 9

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Lex followed us to the castle and I turned to Frigga. "He doesn't like anyone except for someone I deem bearable. How can I make sure he will be fine?"

Lex barked: "Leave me in your room with a small passage to the woods, I'll be able to leave when I want but be there when you need me."

I nodded and asked Frigga about his suggestion which she agreed to. I took Lex back to my room and used magic to create a passage to the woods. Then left.

I walked down to the library I had passed yesterday and chose an Asgardian book about how Asgard works. I had sat on the window seat and started reading only stopping when I heard the door open.

I stayed there and when Loki had his book he saw me. "Since when can you read Asgardian?" she asked. "Look- I don't like keeping things from you and I made a promise to someone to not reveal anything..." Right then Frigga walked in and I bowed while saying: "My Queen?"

Frigga placed a hand on my shoulder and questioned: "The wolf is sorted yes?" I nodded and she hugged me. "Tell him, I told him stories about you as a child, You don't have to hide anything from him anymore." I smiled and thanked her.

She left and I sat next to Loki. "Frigga taught me my magic when I was only a few years old and up until I was 13 Odin had no idea she visited Midgard. When he found out she wasn't allowed to come back but I made her one last promise. I would keep anything about her a secret."

His eyes opened wide as he said: "Your the sorceress mother spoke so fondly of!?" I nodded and said: "She had a lot of stories of you and Thor though."

Loki smiled but eventually frowned and said: "My mother used to say that you were an angel and kind... Did that change because of everything?"

I tear slipped out of my eyes as they glowed red and I pulled my illusion over. He doesn't need to see me weak or vulnerable. I thought and then said: "I changed because of who I was, not even Frigga knew what I had been through and she was like my mother for the while she was there. I had been through so many horrible things that I stopped caring before I turned 18."

I had tears in my eyes under the illusion and before I could stand up and all away, Loki pulled me into a hug. "You can let the illusion fall, darling. I'm here for you, just like you were for me, " he whispered in my ear.

I did as told and let him hold me while I calmed down but refused to cry. I felt worry and comfort which made me melt into his arms. My body had different goals than I had because I felt myself drift into sleep.

(Loki pov)

He doesn't need to see me weak or vulnerable. I heard her think and listened to her story but her thinking so lowly of herself made me frustrated.

I could feel how uncomfortable and unhappy she was. As she stood up, ready to walk away I grabbed her wrist and pulled her into my cold embrace. "You can let the illusion fall, darling. I'm here for you just like you were for me, " I whispered into her ear feeling worried for her.

She hesitated before releasing all her illusions, I realized her teary eyes which were covered with anger but were still glowing red. I held her tight as she didn't show her usual stone expression but a calmed one.

We sat there for a while before I felt her weight become heavier on me. She had given in to sleep, I stood up with her in my arms and teleported us to my room.

I laid her on my bed and climbed in on the other side. I fell asleep while listening to Alex's soundly, steady breathing.

(next morning-Alex pov)
I tried to sit up and noticed that I was in Loki's room, the only hint was the god sleeping with me in his chest.

I laid there just admiring his features which were relaxed and peaceful. I tear escaped my eye as all the memories of Sam and Hydra came flooding.

I-I can't hurt you. Your two cracks away from entering the same broken as I am... Unfixable.

I stood up only to hear the sleepy god's voice: "You won't hurt me, stay?" I sighed and went to lay down but there was a loud knock on the door but the scent revealed Thor.

We got up and I had my illusions over my body as well as my suit on. Loki did the same with his clothing then answered the door. "Brother? Alex? We are requested to go training and I was asked to introduce you to the warriors three and Lady Sif, " Thor boomed. It's too early can't he just shut up? Loki thought and I growled which made him shut up and leave.

"Thanks, " Loki nodded and I smiled. "We should work on keeping our weird links thought to ourselves. I have my walls up yet you can hear all my thinking visa verse, " I explained and he nodded.

We both walked to meet the avengers who all looked shocked at the fact that I wasn't grumpier than usual. I wasn't a person to be woken up or leave my room.

We all walked to the training rooms where the king and queen were sitting waiting for some entertainment as well as to assess our fighting.

Thor had stopped for who I guess were his friends and said: "Avenger meet Lady Sif, Fandral, Hogan, and Volstagg." They all nodded and Fandral tried to flirt with Nat, Wanda, and me. Just give me the chance, I'll rip his throat out... With my teeth! I thought and Loki chuckled.

Odin then announced that he would like everyone to fight, like in a battle which meant no rules. I smiled at the thought then everything started.

Thor's friends each fought all the avengers and won, it was my turn and I wasn't going to disappoint.

First was Hogan who I beat with ease, then Sif who took a minute to adjust, then Volstagg, and lastly Fandral. He proved to be a flirtatious idiot and I got him to the ground. Everyone seemed impressed except the avengers, excluding Thor and Loki.

Odin them declared that I was to fight Thor and a smile kept up my lip. I nodded.

Thor walks down and gulped as he saw me then I smiled. He summoned electricity and I just stood there ready for whatever he tried. Odin yelled: "Fight!"

Thor hit me with his electricity which I absorbed and threw back at him. Their time he came full-on attack and I growled before glowing my eyes and showing fangs as well as claws. We fought hand to hand for a while and I just kept dodging while getting a few hits.

What are you doing? Entertaining then and tiring your brother while waiting for him to snap at me. Why? You are hitting his nerves and if he throws the hammer... I know what could happen and I know what I'm capable of.

Finally, Thor snapped and his eyes had clear signs of electricity in them. I smirked and heard Bucky say: "She's playing with her pray, it's truly magnificent and scary." Pietro then spoke: "She is scary but I think she's planning something, she keeps smirking and looking up at Loki."

That's because I am planning something! An illusion of me told them and disappeared. Thor had thrown his hammer at me and without thinking I moved out of the way then lept into the air as Thor summoned it back.

I created a black most before dramatically disappearing in it. I teleported to above Thor the fell on him pinning him on the ground in a headlock. The King and Queen nodded then left.

I smiled, picked up his hammer, and gave it to him before saying: "Ever call me a bitch behind my back again and I'll not play around."

Everyone's eyes were wide open as I walked to Loki who was shocked but smirking. "You were planning something, why did you stop?!" Steve yelled and I said: "Someone talked me out of 'accidentally' killing Thor."

We all headed to the tavern and everyone was sore or had bruises and cuts all over. I got out with nothing.

We were walking out while everyone was clearly drunk, expert Loki and I. "You know~you scare us all and are..." I growled and said: "I'm not listening to your drunken apologies Tony so go to your rooms and sleep it off."

I went to my own bed. While Lex had laid at my feet. My only hope was for what I was going to encounter in my dreams.

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