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Harry's POV

It had been maybe two hours since I was taken to the hospital wing by now, Snape had yet to return from trying to find the 'anonymous' student. I knew it was Draco so I don't know why they kept avoiding saying who it was but they did.

I didn't know what exactly was happening except that I had been given a potion that would supposedly help get rid of the spell in my system but it would make me really tired so I had to stay a while. In the two hours I had been there, I had taken a nap when the drowsiness kicked in, woken up from a nightmare, eaten half a packet of crisps Madam Pomfrey brought me and sat for a while, staring at the unblemished white wall in front of me for who knows how long. It was extremely boring being sat in there but I didn't really care, I was used to being bored.

Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon used to lock me in my cupboard every time someone so much as knocked at the door and there wasn't exactly anything to do in there. Sometimes I think they forgot I existed and had forgotten that they had left me in there. Once I was in there for almost a week, luckily I had snuck in a bottle of water from school a few days prior or I probably would've died of dehydration. To be honest, I liked being locked in there sometimes except when it was for days on end, it was better than my uncle getting mad and using his belt for no obvious reason.

Eventually, another hour had passed and Snape and McGonagall had finally come back. As soon as they got in, they pulled Madam Pomfrey aside and far enough that I couldn't see a thing of what they were saying.

It was maybe another 10 minutes before they came back over to me.

Madam Pomfrey held a small vial of a silver whisp of what looked both like vapour and liquid at once.

"Mr Potter," McGonagall began, "do you remember anything of what happened the night you saw Professor Dumbledore?"

I nodded, "Only parts, I remember him showing up and talking but I'm not sure what about, it was like my head was full of cotton wool all of a sudden. Then I remember Draco walking me back to the common room but that's it. Sorry."

The teachers looked amongst one another as if having a conversation without speaking.

"You may go soon Mr Potter, just, do be careful about who you talk with, okay? Go straight to your common room, Professor Snape will escort you," McGonagall told me once they had finished.

A/N hey guys, thank you for reading, hope you like it <3

I hope you have an amazing morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are x


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