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Harry's POV:

It was late into the night of the 25th December but yet, I was wide awake. I couldn't sleep, I had been trying for hours now.

Eventually, I decided to go for a little walk around the castle with my new invisibility cloak hoping it would make me a little more sleepy.

I got out of bed and grabbed the cloak, wrapping it around me, careful to not leave anything uncovered. Soon, I was out, walking around, not really paying attention to where I was going.

At some point, I saw a shadow coming from around the corner so just to be safe, I decided to hide so no one could accidentally bump into me. The only place to go was through a locked door so I used a spell that Hermione had taught me, "Alohamora," I whispered, wand pointed at the handle.

The door unlocked and I hurried inside, careful to close it with hopefully no noise. I felt hot, smelly air hit me. Slowly, I turned around to be met with a huge, three headed dog, I froze in fear as it sniffed the air, trying to figure out if someone was there.

A dog, did it really have to be a dog? And a three headed one at that. I'm rather afraid of dogs and I think I have good reason to be considering 'Aunt' Marge. She was practically my uncle only with more hair and a skirt.

The woman is a dog breeder, though I can't think why, she doesn't seem to like any of them except one, Ripper.

Every time she visited, she'd bring extravagant gifts for everyone but me. Then again, she never did seem to like Aunt Petunia much either, she must have a problem with anyone not born into her family. Anyway, while everyone else got gifts, she always set a dog on me. Once, I was stuck up a tree for hours on end with her dog barking at the bottom, trying to get up to me. Marge of course encouraged this and thought it was hysterical, as did the rest of my family.

I reckon it's safe to say I'm definitely not going to be fond of them after that.

Really, I should've gotten out of there but I saw shadows from the gap under the door and knew it was Filch, I wasn't willing to get a detention with him after the stories people told me. So, I waited a few minutes to make sure he was gone before quickly getting out of that room before one of the dog's heads finally figured out where I was.

Quickly, I ran down the corridor but can't to an abrupt stop when I encountered Professor Snape and Professor Quirrel, arguing I think. It was a narrow corridor and I wouldn't have much space to get past so I got as close as possible to try slip past but I think Snape heard my footsteps.

He turned slowly and reached his hand out in my direction but luckily I avoided it and his hand only grasped at air so he turned back around and continued his argument.

I on the other hand went to the end of the corridor where there was a door. The door  was unlocked so I opened it just enough for me to slip through the gap.

Once inside, I saw an empty, unused classroom and a huge thing covered in a dusty, old sheet. I ripped the sheet off to see what was underneath.

An old looking, golden mirror was found underneath with the word 'Erised' written on the top. Below that, there were some words that didn't quite make sense, maybe they were in another language but it read: 'erised stra ehru oyt ube cafru oyt on wohsi'.

When I looked into the mirror, I was shocked to see not only me but a lot of other people behind me. Two stood out the most, my parents stood there, each of them with a hand on one of my shoulders and a smile on their faces.

Tears threatened to spill from my eyes as I watched but when I turned around to greet them, they weren't there. Neither were the rest of who I'm assuming to be my family. In the mirror, there were dozens of people behind me, some had my eyes, a lot of them had my hair, a few even had glasses. Poor eyesight must run in my dad's family.

I knew it wasn't real but I wanted it to be so I stayed for a little while before deciding that I wanted to show Draco. He had to see it too.

A/N hey guys, I hope you enjoyed this chapter. My wrist is more or less fine now so I don't have to wear that stupid splint anymore meaning I can move my hand to type again, yay! I should have a little more time to write for about a week now considering someone in my form tested positive for corona virus and I got sent home to self isolate for two weeks.

I hope you all have an amazing morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are x


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