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Harry's POV:

It was getting closer to Christmas every day. The holidays were just starting. There was a lot of chaos caused from almost everyone packing to leave. I was one of the only ones to stay.

Blaise was going home to his mum so they could go on holiday over Christmas. He was excited about that but wasn't excited about the fact that his mum had another new boyfriend that was coming with them.

Theo was going home too, his only statement was, "it's the only time father isn't working."

Hermione was going with her parents to France for the holidays.

Andy was going home too. His family always spent Christmas at his Grandparents house so that's where he was going.

Pansy and Draco were staying though since their parents had work and business trips to attend.

A few days into the holidays, I was wondering around the castle, just having a few moments to myself when I found a little snake slithering around by a suit of armour on the fifth floor. It was beautiful. The snake's scales were ombré, from dark blue to a silver, the tip of its snout started at an almost black colour while it's tail was silver. The scales glistened as it moved, making it look even more beautiful than upon first glance.

$nasssty humansss everywhere, I'd rather be with mama down in the nesssst$ rang in my mind, from the snake.

I spoke back to the little snake quietly, $we're not all nasssty, you know, I think I'm rather nice$

In shock, the snake said $ssspeaker? You're a ssspeaker? Mama ssssaid you're rare$

A small smile graced my face, $yesss, I am a ssspeaker, my name'ssss Harry and I musssst ssay, your ssscalessss look amazing$

It slithered closer to me as I crouched down to speak to it.

$thank you, Harry, my name isss Eclipssse.$

I spent quite a while sat on the floor of the corridor talking with Eclipse and found out quite a bit about her, such as her gender, her breed (a magical breed of snake hatched only on a full moon to a basilisk mother called a moon viper) and that she was relatively newly hatched even though her chosen name for me was her 'hatchling'. Eclipse quickly decided that I was now hers to protect and that she was now my honorary mother. This made me laugh a little but hey, I wasn't about to argue with her.

She decided that she would come back to the dorms with me for protection from in her words 'nasty humans who want to hurt my hatchling'.

Her chosen resting place was around my shoulders but she was telling me that if we develop a familiar bond then she will be able to change form to hide in plain sight as, for example: an earring, a ring, a necklace, a tattoo, a bracelet and so on.

Once we reached the common room, I said the password and entered to see Draco and Pansy sat on a couch in the common room just talking. I sat down in an armchair with Eclipse still wrapped around my shoulders, affectionately nuzzling my cheek with her nose. My two friends looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey, Har," Pansy smiled then looked at Eclipse in awe, making sure to face me still, "I have a quick question, you are aware you've got an incredibly beautiful and rare species of snake wrapped around your shoulders, right?"

I laughed, "yes, Pansy, I know. Her name's Eclipse. I found her on the fifth floor earlier and we were talking for quite a while. She's claimed me as her 'hatchling' now so I suppose she'll be helping you."

The two chuckled as I reached my hand up to pet Eclipse's scale softly with the back of my finger.

This was the beginning of the first actually nice Christmas holidays I ever had.

A/n hey guys, I hope you had a good day today. Ngl, I really didn't. It was the first day back at school and even though it was only for just under four hours, it was horrible. We got split into new forms which means that while this whole pandemic is happening, I'm stuck with the same people for every lesson except my GCSE options. I have none of my friends in my form, instead I have people who called me 'that' and 'it' all day like I wasn't even a human being. I had things thrown at me and many horrible things said about my tics and anxiety because I don't really talk to people in school unless I know them properly, let alone be able to stand up for myself. I'm sorry for this little rant, I just needed to say it all. But really, I hope you did have a good day even if I couldn't.

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and as always I hope you have a great morning/afternoon/evening/night wherever you are x


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