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"What? But you act so... normal. Mostly... Why'd you lie then? Why not just tell people?" Theodore asked.

"You see, I always just wanted to be 'normal'. At home, I was an outcast. Here I'm a celebrity for something that no one wants to have witnessed. My parents died and I didn't. Big deal. All I wanted was to be normal. Being deaf means I can't be normal. If people knew, they'd make a big song and dance about it. I don't think I could handle that just yet. I'm still adapting to being 'the boy who lived' imagine how bad it would be if they found out I had a disability. Just think about it. I'm only eleven and I grew up in the muggle world. I didn't know I was famous for eleven years, how would you feel?" I explained, watching for their reactions.

Crabbe and Goyle looked confused then one spoke. "But you're spoiled at home..."

I shook my head. "No I'm not. I'm just a 'normal' kid. Just Harry at home." I told them 'Or the freak or boy.' Was added in my head.

Eventually, we went to bed and fell asleep almost straight away.

In the morning, I awoke to a sudden coldness over my body.

Opening my eyes, I found Draco standing next to my bed grinning, holding my duvet up. Clearly expecting me to snatch it back.

All I did was sigh. "You can keep it if you want. I'm used to the cold." I shrugged, getting up and grabbing my clothes.

He chucked the quilt back onto my bed. Then, he turned me around to look a him. "Harry, I'm not gonna keep it. I was just waking you up. Why would you be used to being cold?"

Again, I shrugged. "It's cold in my room." I started making my way towards the bathroom. Past the others.

A tap on my shoulder stopped me. "What are you wearing, Harry?" Blaise asked.

"Er, pyjamas? Well, an old shirt and trackies why?"

"They look like rags. Seriously, do you not have proper sleepwear? Those things look like they should fit a hippogriff with its wings extended fully inside and still have room." Came the response.

"They were my cousin's. He's... not the smallest person ever." I explained.

Draco was stood in front of the bathroom door to stop me going is so that they could get answers. He was leant against the doorframe with a smug look on his face. Little did he know, being small was an advantage. Along with being quick and light on my feet.

I ran straight past Draco to the mistakenly exposed door handle. Quickly, I got inside and locked the door behind me.

Knocking was making the door shake slightly but I ignored it in favour of getting changed.

Eventually, I emerged from the bathroom.

"Harry, what in the name of Merlin are you even wearing?" Draco questioned.

"Er, clothes I believe. Jeans and a T-shirt if I'm not mistaken."

"Those things are worse than your pyjamas. Do you have any decent clothes? You're practically drowning in those. Your jeans are folded up so much they're pushing your ankles apart. The shirt you're wearing looks like it was supposed to be red but someone tried to change it by getting a three year old to dye it grey and don't even get me started on those awful shoes! Were those supposed to be white? They've got so many holes in them. It's a miracle they've held together at all. Come here, you can wear something of mine. I do happen to have a little supply of muggle clothing. They may be big for you but they'll be better than those." He walked over to his trunk and opened it.

It was huge on the inside! There were tons of clothes stocked up in there and shoes as well. On top of those, he somehow managed to fit all of his school supplies.

Deaf-A Harry Potter storyWhere stories live. Discover now