3- Worry for the older brother

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Third person POV

As they sat at the dinner table, everything was quiet. The only noise was them eating their food. The only one not eating though was Touya. He stared at his food, moving it around a little not feeling up to eating. He was still tired after his nap and not all that hungry either. Touya was in his thoughts as he began to space out which he didn't mind. It got him away from reality and made him feel ok. One thing he didn't know was his family trying to call him before his brother tapped his shoulder making him jump a little bit. "What?" he asks. "We've been trying to get your attention Touya. Is everything alright?" Rei asks getting a little worried for her son

He was quiet for a bit. He didn't want them to know his thoughts right now so he was doing his best to think of a lie as quickly as possible

Come on think of something. They can't know what you're thinking about

He thought as he looked up at everyone, their eyes on him waiting. "Um I guess there's one thing..it's sorta has to do with school since it's so new" he said as he hoped they believed him. "It's gonna take a bit sweetie but you'll be ok I promise" Rei said with a soft smile on her face. Touya sighed as he placed his fork down and pushed his plate away "there's also one other thing" he looked over at his father with a cold dead stare as he spoke. "It's all because of you. All because of you, we can't live a normal life. We can't make friends normally, we can't get respect normally and we just can't do anything at all because we're cursed with this name. I hate being part of this family so fucking much but I can't do anything about it can I?"

He stood up as he made his way to the steps to go upstairs to his room but stopped for a second to look at them. "A little reality check for you all. Because of that asshole there, we can't live a normal life so go ahead and blame him for cursing us with the Todoroki name" those were the last words he spoke to his family before making his way upstairs so he doesn't have to deal with them. The family sat there in disbelief though not saying a single word. They looked at Enji as his facial expression just spoke anger

"Who does he think he is?!" He yelled as he didn't take his eyes off the steps. "Darling I think it's best if we leave him alone for now. He's just stressed that's all" she said gently touching his arm. "It's more than stress mom" they all looked at Shoto in question as they didn't know what he was talking about. "He's hiding something from us I know he is" Shoto said as he got up and helped with the dishes

Touya's POV

I got into my room and shut the door behind me making sure it was locked. I started to pace back and forth not knowing what's going on with me so it's really stressing me out. I can't even let my family know about this or they'd probably think I was crazy. I mean I'm not crazy though. Well I hope not. What's weird is that I'm obsessing over a person, I've never done that before or even felt the way I do until I met Keigo. Is that weird? It probably is

Who am I kidding it totally is. With what is happening I can't just tell them so I had to lie. School isn't the thing stressing me out, my feelings are and I don't know what the fuck to do. It's confusing me so bad

These feelings are something I'm not used to at all. It's almost like when you love someone but those feelings grow into something more sinister, something scary and it's just sitting there waiting to be unleashed out into the world. I'm probably making no sense am I? Oh well

Honestly though I just don't know what this is. It doesn't bother me but it might bother others if they know. All I have to do is keep this a secret as well as keep Keigo to myself

Fuyumi's POV

Once everything was cleaned up in the kitchen me and my siblings went upstairs to my room. We all agreed to meet in my room to discuss our older brother and try to figure out why he's acting the way he is. He was spacing out the whole time at dinner and not eating at all. He also got angry pretty quickly which is something that doesn't happen very often. I'm starting to think what Shoto said might be true though. I don't like the fact of our brother hiding something but we'll have to see as time goes on I guess

As soon as we enter my room I gently close my door then sit down on my bed, my brother's following after. "So we're discussing our brother correct?" I nod with a sigh. "I'm just worried for him. He's been a bit off since he came down after his nap. He was also a bit off walking home too so something has to be bothering him" I said. "I don't really think there's much to worry about though since he didn't exactly clarify what's been going on and exactly why he's stressed" Natsuo said as I nodded in agreement

"But he did though. It's obvious something is bothering him but there's something else is too" we both looked at Shoto in confusion but know that he's right. "How do you know that?" Natsuo asked in defense and I just stayed quiet

"Well when father and mother asked him why he was distracted he hesitated. That's what he does when he's hiding something from everyone. The only reason he responded so quickly after he hesitated is because he thought of something right after. It's just his quick thinking" we both nodded as he continued

"I caught up on certain things he does by watching his actions. He's our big brother so sometimes we can learn from him. Like I said he's a quick thinker so it was obvious he lied at least a little bit. If anything, to find out what's bothering him we gotta keep an eye on him. When you guys are in school and while we're all home"

"That makes sense" we heard fathers footsteps coming up the stairs so I quickly pushed Natsuo and Shoto out my room. "We'll talk later goodnight guys. Quickly hurry up" after they left and I seen their doors close I closed mine, hurrying into bed and turning my light off

I seen my door open, the hallway light peering into my room "Goodnight Fuyumi" I sat up a bit looking at father with a smile as I took my glasses off. "Goodnight father" with that he closed my door and I set my glasses on my bedside table laying back down

I'm worried for my older brother. I really hope he's ok. We'll figure it out though I know we will

>───⇌• :🌷: •⇋───<>───⇌• :🌷: •⇋───<

Word count: 1219

Ok so at the end I only changed it slightly bc I liked how it was so I kept it. I hope this was a bit better though

Also I'm making yet another story but this time it's abt dabihawks kids. I can't think of a title so if u would have any ideas lmk. Though I have so many ideas for different stories that I might have to take a break from mha for a little and focus on writing different stuff after this but we'll see how things go

Anyway like usual

If u have any criticism it is welcome

All hate will be ✨deleted✨

Cya lovelies ✌️🏻🏳️‍🌈❤

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