17- A Soft Spot For Touya

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Fuyumi's POV

As the morning was shining through our window and the sound of birds chirping, I smiled as the cool weather came through. It was now winter time so the weather is nice to me. The family was sitting down stairs but the only people missing were Touya and Keigo. They haven't come down yet so I decided to go and check on him to see if he's awake. I let my family know and that's when I go upstairs to his room

I knock on his door gently not wanting to startle him just in case. "Touya? Are you awake?" I tried a couple times to see but he didn't respond. I called up my family to hopefully help me out here. Father was the first one to come up to me as usual

"What's the problem?" "Touya isn't waking up. I tried knocking but his door is locked and I don't wanna disturb my brother" I said softly as I moved out of the way for my father. He started knocking loudly on his door to hopefully wake him up. I think it worked though cause we all heard a bit thud inside of his room. "Did he just fall off his bed?" I heard Natsuo ask as he was trying not to laugh

"Don't be rude Nat" I said as he nodded, still chuckling a bit. "Is he not a morning person?" I hear shoto ask as I basically shake my head as he nods at me. We were soon met with a very tired Touya and Keigo sitting up on his bed. He was wearing his clothes. That is so adorable. Sometimes I can't even help to be happy for my brother

"Why the fuck are you waking me up" he rubbed his eyes trying to see clearly but he knew it was father, he just wasn't a morning person at all. "It's already 10 in the morning. I expect you to be up by now and have your friend gone" Touya just looked at him with a blank stare before speaking. "Well that's tough fucking shit. It doesn't matter what you say cause he isn't going anywhere just yet. Now if you'll excuse me I'd like to get back to sleep please so you can fuck off. Thanks" he slammed his door shut as he locked his door yet again

"Definitely not a morning person" "Not one bit" we laughed a little as we watched father bang on his door trying to get him out again. He's always so hard on Touya. It's never fair how he treats our older brother. I watched as our mother went up to him and put her hand on his shoulder gently "Give it a rest Enji. He'll come out at some point. I know he will" he sighed as he finally stopped walking away with a groan, leaving me and my siblings in the hallway

I looked at them with a smile "did you see that?" they looked at me a bit confused as my smile got bigger with joy. "Keigo was wearing Touya's clothes. He doesn't let anyone do that" "Wait are you serious?" Natsuo asked as I nodded at him

We talked as we walked back downstairs where our parents were

Keigo's POV

"Is everything ok?" I ask as he sighs stretching. I looked at him as I was craving his attention. I just wanna be held again by him. He was so warm. I hold my arms out towards him making puppy eyes. It would be so much better if he was here in this bed with me. I seen him smile as he shook his head, coming over to me

He picked me up as I smiled. Being in his arms again made me feel special and made me feel warm inside. Being with him was everything. I was placed in his lap as he had me facing him. "Yeah my father was just being a prick like usual. Just don't mind him ok?" I nodded as I leaned against him, feeling him slowly rock back and forth which was making me even more tired than I was right now

"Are you still tired love?" I nodded as I was about to fall asleep in his arms. This was just the best moment I could have shared with him so far. It was like my world stopped just by being with him. "Yeah me too. We can just go back to sleep" I felt his hands go to my hips causing me to blush a little bit as he whispered softly in my ear, "or we could do something else if you'd like"

It sent a shiver down my spine as I couldn't help the small whimper come from my throat. He made it so difficult to not fall for him even more. "I just wanna go back to sleep" I said quietly as I heard him sigh and take his hands off of my hips. He laid back allowing me to be on top of him again to get comfortable

I smiled as I yawned and shortly after, I heard him yawn as well. I know we were both still tired so it would be nice to just get more sleep. I snuggled closer to him, listening to the sound of his heartbeat and how steady his breathing is

With that we both fell asleep to the sound of the wind outside and the comfort of each other for warmth


Word count: 918

It's still short just like it was last time so I'm sry about that. I still hope u enjoyed this soft little chpt

Since I'm gonna be writin a second story to continue on my siren story, what should it be about? I'll take suggestions if u have any

Anyway idk what else to say

If u have any criticism it is welcome

All hate will be ✨deleted✨

Bye pumpkins 🎃 🍂🏳️‍🌈

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