The Bad Ending

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Third person POV

❗TW mentions of murder❗

'Aw come one Touya I told you before no one followed you'

"How do you know that? Anyone could've followed" he said obviously annoyed. He had a student with him that was in his arms right now. Touya had hoped he made it very clear to others to stay away from his angel but no one wanted to listen

The girls blonde hair was in her eyes and her expression was emotionless. He went into an alleyway and dropped her onto the ground as Kage appeared next to him again

'Trust me Touya no one followed you. Why not trust me for once'

"Oh I don't know because it looks like I'm talking to myself. Or that you haven't been a big help since you decided to pop out of nowhere" he said a bit of anger showing through his voice

'Why are you being so mean? Your hurting my feelings'

He laughed as Touya glared at him and took the knife out of his bag that he put onto the ground. After a couple minutes went by with just him and Kage talking, the girl finally woke up. She looked around as she didn't know where she was

"Why am I here?" she quickly got up as she looked right at Touya. "Who the hell are you?" "Well sweetheart that's none of your business. Though what is your business is you getting to close to angel"

"Who the hell are you talking about?!" she yelled as she started to back away from him. He was quicker though. He grabbed her and held her by her hair a little to tightly where she was starting to struggle against him

"I'm sure you know. The one you kept getting close to all day and how much you touched him with me there. Sorry to say hunny but he's mine not yours" "So this is what this is about? Are you serious? He doesn't like you ok. He never will"

With her words this is what set him off and he quickly slit her throat with the deepest cut he could do and threw her down to the ground with her blood spilling out all around her


"She was so boring. A bit rude too"



He looked up from hearing his name being said and dropped the knife. It clanked on the ground once it hit and his face was filled with the amount of hurt he was feeling right now

"W-what are you doing?" Keigo's voice cracked a little bit as he grown scared of his own friend. He didn't know what he just witnessed but he didn't want to believe it. Wanted to believe that it was just a dream but it wasn't

"I..." Touya didn't know what to say. He just looked at Keigo with so much hurt

Touya tried to walk towards him but Keigo backed away everytime he got close. "Don't come any closer!" he yelled. Touya stopped and looked down at the ground

"You just....killed someone" Keigo couldn't help but look at the girls body on the ground behind him. Blood still pouring out but not as much anymore

"Keigo please you have to understand-" "Understand!? What is there to understand!? You just fucking killed someone and I watched it! Your crazy! Your fucking crazy!" with that Keigo walked away with tears streaming down his face and his heart aching

Touya stood there speechless as he watched Keigo walk away. Everything came shattering down on top of him as he fell to his knees on the ground

'Don't be so upset Touya. If he didn't like the way you actually are then he doesn't deserve you'

"Well I know exactly what I gotta do" he said darkly as he stood up and grabbed his stuff walking away from the girl and heading to Keigo's house

As soon as he got there he seen Keigo in his room from the opened window and went to his door seeing if it was unlocked, surprisingly it was

'He even had his door unlocked. Is he trying to get killed?'

"Apparently he is" he walked inside and been as quiet as possible as he went up the stairs looking in every room that was up there. When he found his room just by his door being opened a little bit he smiled grabbing out his knife he used earlier

'Are you sure about this?'

Kage asked as he got a nod in response and just disappeared into thin air. Touya gripped his knife in his hand as he took a deep breath before forgetting everything he ever felt for Keigo from the very beginning

❗TW mentions of murder❗

He pushed opened Keigo's door and quickly made his way towards him. Keigo was caught off guard by the bloody knife and tried to run but he got pushed down and got a knife held to his throat

"Why are you doing this?!" he yelled out panicked as he tried to fight against him but the knife only got pushed harder against his skin

"Ya know I thought we had a great chance of actually being together or if not then just being good friends but I guess not" he said as no emotion laced through his voice

He leaned down next to his ear as he pushed the knife down a little harder. "If I'm not allowed to have you Keigo then no one else can" with that he sliced his throat open making blood go onto his hand and his face

Keigo's blood dropped onto his bed as Touya got up and grabbed his stuff when he walked out of the room


'That was interesting to watch'

"Glad you enjoyed it"

'Now what are you going to do?'

"Make sure that no one else ever gets in my way ever again"

'I like that. I'll be here to guide you down the path you always were meant to be on'

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Word count: 1003

That's the bad endin for ya. I only changed the last three lines of the story cause I thought it would be a little better like that ig. Also it's still the same so yea

The good endin is gonna be posted after this so this story can finally be done....again

But yet again I hate how I wrote it. I feel like I just lost my creativeness with writin but idk. I'm tryna make these good as I can get them without it seemin like a fuck up

Anyway before I go on a rant, I hope u all enjoyed this story for what it was

If u have any criticism it is welcome

All hate will be ✨deleted✨

Bye sunflowers 🌻💛

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