15- Torture Then Death

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This is literally longer than I wanted it to be. I'm so sry. Enjoy anyway


Third person POV

❗TW mentions of torture and murder❗

As they stood there with smiles on their faces, the lights flickered making the setting of the building have an eery feeling to it. Touya stood there, looking at him with rage yet you can't see it on his face as he looks emotionless

"What do you want from me?" Kenji asked as he looked at him in the eyes. "I want you dead. That's what I want. You took someone from me that I wanted. Someone who's supposed to be mine. I'm tired of sitting at the side lines and watching you have. What's. Mine" he said as he grabbed the gloves, putting them on and grabbing the knife

"Are you serious? That's what this is about? He's happy with me. And honestly I know he loves me so why can't you stay out of our business. Besides if you two were together it would probably never work out"

"Oh trust me he won't. I've already thought all this through. What I'm going to do is fill his head with lies about why you left him and where you are. Then I'll be there for him as he deals with losing his precious boyfriend or whatever. He'll come running to me in no time I promise you that" he said as he stabbed the knife right into his leg

The moment it went in, the moment Kenji's screaming started. It was like music to his ears as he listened to him scream but to cause more pain to him, he twisted the knife with as much force as he could just to hear him scream and hopefully beg for mercy. Blood started to seep through his pants, he swore as it felt disgusting against his body

"Can't take a little pain Kenji?" Touya asked with a wicked smile on his face, enjoying every last bit of his suffering. But it was only getting started. "Of course I can. This is nothing" he said as he stared the man in front of him in the eyes. He hoped to find the least bit of emotion in the man's eyes but all he saw was the intent to kill and how much he wanted Kenji dead. It was not a fun sight

"I bet you can" with that, he pulled the knife out and did the same thing to his other leg. He twisted the knife a little harder this time just to see more of his blood come out, which he couldn't look away from. It was hypnotic to him as he stood there, heavy breathing, just looking at the blood seeping into his clothes and slowly making a stain on the chair underneath him. It wasn't enough to spill out onto the floor but the worst is about to come

As soon as Kenji felt the knife go in his other leg and twist, all he could do is scream. He hoped it would've been over by now but he can't tell when it's supposed to end

Touya took the knife out of his leg and held it up to him to show him what it's like. "Isn't this wonderful? Seeing your own blood on a knife that's just been stabbed into you twice already. Don't be shy look at it" he said as Kenji did as told afraid of what might happen to him if he didn't. When he seen the blood, he immediately wanted to throw up. He felt sick to his stomach but for now he held it down

Touya chuckled and wiped his own blood on Kenji's face as he seen the disgusted look. It only made him more happy as he now gets to torture the man in front of him for taking what was his. His friends stood by for now but were still surprised by what he does. "You should see your face right now with how beautiful you look. Blood smeared on your face and the fear written all over your face. It's so wonderful" he chuckled as he stood and placed the knife down on the table

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