20- The Break In

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I'm keeping this chpt the same cause ya authors lazy rn and very tired. Anyway enjoy


Two months later (yea ik a big time jump)

Toga's POV

We only have about 2 more months, maybe 3, till school is over. Another student disappeared about a month ago. My only guess is that it has something to do with Touya. All the deaths from our school lead back to him but no one is gonna believe anyone who says something

They all think his family is great because of their father so they'll think this family can't do no wrong. Don't get me wrong I love Touya a lot as well as Sako and Jin. We like him but maybe something has to be said

But will that just get us killed if we say something? Maybe we shouldn't. Touya is a good guy but we want the best for him. He's still upset that Keigo isn't his yet. We're trying to help but he doesn't want it. I don't know why but I guess this is what he wants

Even his siblings have tried to tell Keigo and we've seen him get angry with them when they try to. It's funny to me about how clueless Keigo is about this. Though he does wonder why the people he gets close to just disappear or stop talking to him

They've gotten close though so that's something good. He's still obsessed over him and will do anything to have him which means he's still gonna kill someone who gets close to him or even gives them death glares while he's with Keigo

I am worried though cause we're gonna be graduating soon and no one is gonna know about this at all. Gonna put all this behind us and pretend like it never happened during our school year

No one is gonna bring it up about how already 5 students died, maybe even more as time goes on, during the school year. It's crazy if you ask me

Though I can't lie, I like how I met someone who has a secret just like us and how he acts. It's very interesting

I'm not gonna say anything though. I can't ruin this for him or I'm gonna be the next one on his kill list and I don't want that

Shoto's POV

I was in my class looking out the window being lost in my own thoughts. It's been awhile since we tried to tell Keigo about everything but the last time we told him, he ran off and assumed a bunch of stuff

That was when I felt bad for Touya cause Keigo went off and dated someone because of it. But this has to be brought to his attention. Touya is just becoming more obsessed, though, he doesn't want to admit that

I haven't noticed that Mr. Aizawa was trying to get my attention till my view from the window was blocked

"Do you have something on your mind that's making you distracted Todoroki?" his face looked a bit annoyed mixed with tiredness. He looks like he hasn't slept in years if I'm being honest but it's probably just me I don't know

"No I'm fine" I said in my normal tone of voice and he walked away going back to the front of the class and continuing to teach

I didn't like lying to my teacher but I can't just say 'yeah my older brother is obsessed with this student in his school and kills people'. That'll get me so many questions about him wondering why I have a killer for a brother

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