21- Call it a Date?

210 7 34

??? POV

I've been watching Keigo for only a week right now. It's been bothering me that he's always around that Todoroki kid. I also found out that he's been watching him longer than me. He's been doing so since the beginning of school. That's a long time. I've been trying to get ahead of him and think of what he'll do next just to see if I can do everything better than him

It's not fair though. He can't just have him all to himself. I want Keigo too so why can't he share. It would be great if he could just hand Keigo over and I can be with him instead. Even though he's been watching him longer, I could still have a chance. He's just so pretty and such an amazing student

He's very smart too. Anyway that's not the point of this. I just want Keigo to notice me, even if it's for such a short time I don't care. I just want him to look my way and actually be mine for once. He's always around Touya though so trying to get him is gonna be difficult. I'm smart about this though. Touya has no idea that it's me. He's clueless

Sooner or later Keigo will be mine and I'll be able to have him for myself. I just don't like how he's always around those Todoroki kids. He's never alone. He's always around them no matter what

I'll figure this out though. I've been doing things just like Touya so I can learn. I've watched them and took pictures so I know his favorite places and everything

I just gotta get Touya out of the picture then he can finally be mine

He's meant to be mine, not Touya's

Keigo's POV

The whole time, I've been stressing about what has happened with my home. It's been so difficult for me. I never know if someone else is gonna break in when I'm not home and at school or even at the store. It's just always worrying me that even I couldn't do anything to help because I wasn't there

Touya has been doing his best to always make me feel better though and I'm glad he is. He's such a good friend. Friend. Yeah right. I know that he's more than a friend to me. It really hurts to even call him that. I just wanna tell him so bad but what will happen if I do?

Will he reject me or will he actually say yes? I have no clue. I don't know what to do. He's always there to help me and just make me feel better. He's someone good

Maybe I should call him and see if he's busy or not. Maybe I can ask him out or even tell him how I feel

I'll just see how this goes so I go on my phone and press his contact while I listen to it ring a couple times before his nice voice comes through the other line

~The Call~

T: "Hey angel, everything ok?"

K: "Yeah everything's fine. I was just wondering if you'd wanna hang out or something. Like on the weekend. Just us"

T: "Uh yeah sure. Where at?"

K: "Well I was thinking like maybe we could get food and walk around the mall for a bit. Then maybe we could come back to my place or something and you could spend the night"

T: "That sounds good actually. Do you want me to meet up at your place or mine?"

K: "Your house seems better honestly"

T: "Alright well I'll see you then angel"

K: "Yes you will. Bye"

~Call Ended~

Now I feel like an idiot. I was supposed to ask him on a date but what did I do instead? Just ask to hang out. I don't know how I could be so dumb

Maybe it was the best option. I'm just glad he said yes to me. I mean, I know he would have anyway but I thought he would have been busy since he has siblings

Let's just hope this day with him goes good. I'm kinda nervous though since I've never really been alone with him in a bit. I should be ok though. I know he won't hurt me

🌨❄•°•.•°• •°•.•°•❄🌨️ 🌨❄•°•.•°• •°•.•°•❄🌨️

Word count: 722

Hey look at that, two updates in a row. I'm very tired right now though so I'm sry it's yet again short like it was the last time

Its also comin to an end very quickly. I'm kinda sad that it's endin soon but I do have other stories to work on so it'll be good to get this out of the way while I can

Anyway hope u enjoyed

If u have any criticism it is welcome

All hate will be ✨deleted✨

Bye pumpkins 🎃 🍂🏳️‍🌈

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