16- Things That Happen Over Winter Break

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I'm just gonna keep this chpt the same cause I find it adorable and it's also well written. There's slight changes but not much. Also there is a bit of homophobia cause *cough* endeavor *cough* but yea anyway enjoy


Two months later

Third person POV

It's finally winter and the students of Matsubara High School (I looked up random hs names so uh yea anyway) were finally on winter break to spend time with their families or do whatever they had planned for the winter

The Todoroki family didn't have anything planned, never around this time or any other time. Their father was always to busy with his own work to plan anything for them. Since it was cold, they had the heat on while drinking hot chocolate their mother made

What they didn't expect was to hear a knock at the door but the knocking sounding desperate for someone to answer. The siblings looked at each other and their mom a little confused. Fuyumi was the one who got up, walking towards the door to answer it

The knocking never stopped until she opened up the door to see Keigo standing there with a tear streamed face. "Hey are you o-" "Where's Touya" he asked as his voice was breaking a little as he talked

"He's in the living room. I'll take you to him" with that she closed the door, bringing Keigo in to the warm home. He took his shoes off and his jacket but leaving his scarf on to cover his face a little bit. His heavy breathing causing his glasses to fog up a little

She guided him to her family then sitting back down as he stood there. "I'm sorry for intruding on your guy's time together but I really need to talk to Touya for a second" he looked at him with red eyes and a couple more tears going down his cheeks

"What about?" Touya asked as he stood up only to be met with a tight hug from Keigo. He slowly put his arms around him, holding him close to comfort him while looking at his family but all they did was shrug their shoulders not knowing what this was about

"I just need someone to hold me and I do need to talk to you but in private" Keigo looked up at him with his eyeliner now going down his face making Touya chuckle

"Alright angel we can talk in the kitchen" he nodded as Touya guided him to the kitchen for them to talk

Keigo's POV

Once we were in the kitchen I could feel eyes on us and I know his family was watching but I didn't care. I need to know what happened. Why Kenji's been missing for 2 months already. I just need answers

Though I still don't know if I made the right choice dating Kenji and leaving Touya all alone. Maybe it wasn't. He seems to still care about me though and the way he calls me angel makes me smile

"So what did you need to talk about?" his voice made me come out of my own thoughts. He leaned against the counter looking at me with a soft expression on his face

"I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for storming off the way I did that day and rarely talking to you. I feel bad for doing that. I know that it was wrong of me and I admit that so I came here to say sorry" he just nodded and smiled at me

"Listen it's alright. You just didn't know what they were trying to say to you. I know you thought they were trying to blame you but I promise you they weren't. I handled it though so it's fine" he said as I nodded and went up to him giving him a hug

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