24- A Little Talk With Kage

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Keigo's POV

"What do you mean?"

Just the way his voice sounded, made me a little scared and also concerned. I never seen him like this. It's just very new and it makes me wonder what got into him. "Come on, say something Touya" I said as I felt my heart beating so fast. He just smiled at me as his hand made its way to my face and gently touched my cheek

He's acting very strange right now. I don't know if this is some kind of new behavior but maybe I should just push it aside for now. Think about what my actions and words will lead me next since I don't know what gotten into him

"Maybe some other time. For right now though, why don't we head upstairs and get some rest" I looked out at the window not to far from us and seen that it was already dark out. I looked at the clock and it was only nine. I normally don't go to sleep till ten or eleven but since Touya is here, I'll go to bed with him. After today's events, I feel a little worried and also tired. Maybe it is a good idea to go to bed now

"Yeah sure. We can do that" I quickly got off his lap as we made our way upstairs and to my room. I closed my door as I sat down on my bed, Touya sitting next to me. "Are you alright angel?" he asks making me look at him. I feel his hand go onto my head and his fingers go through my hair gently, almost like he was trying to sooth me about what happened earlier. Don't get me wrong, I love the feeling but that moment is just worrying me and making me ask myself if he's even ok

I lean into his touch though and got comfortable. "Yeah I'm ok. Just getting tired" I said as he nodded and leaned back making us both be on my bed fully. I got pulled into his chest as I got a little more comfortable with the position we were in. One of my arms were on his chest while the other was under my head. His one arm holding me close to him while the other was holding my hand that was on his chest

Not gonna my lie, he felt very warm. I did put my blanket on us though to keep us a little extra warm just in case. "Sleep well angel" I heard him say in a hushed tone making me smile as I closed my eyes, sleep threatening to consume me any minute. "Goodnight Touya" I manage to get out before I was finally asleep in his arms

Touya's POV

As soon as my little angel was asleep, I did my best to not move around to much to take my phone out of my pocket. Once I was able to get it out, I opened my camera and took a picture of my birdie asleep on my chest. He was so precious when he was asleep

All I could imagine was us. Until the end of our days when we finally get to have each other. When I can finally call him mine. Well technically he is mine but he just doesn't know it yet

I'll make him know he's mine though at some point. Right now, my mind is racing and my heart is pounding as I look at him. So peaceful and innocent. Like he doesn't have a clue what's going on. Being this close to him was something I've always wanted. Something I gotta have

More or so like something I need. I can never let him out of my sight again. I need to be there to protect him all day, every day. He's what keeps me going all the time. Knowing I'm able to see him and know he's mine, is something I love

I lean down a little and technically hide my face in his hair as I smell his hair. It smells just like strawberries. So sweet and so.....so intoxicating. I feel a smile come to my face as I smell his hair a little more. My breathing becoming heavy and a bit of drool slips out of my mouth as my mind is going crazy over this

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