4- Touya's Little Obsession

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Third person POV

As the days passed, Touya's behavior has been a bit off more and more every day. His family was getting worried as they watched but never mentioned it to him. Since it was Friday they were hoping his behavior would go back to being the same over the weekend

Enji went to their rooms waking them up one by one, the last being Touya like usual. He walked in turning the light on and waiting for his son to wake up. "Can you get out please" Touya said as he pulled his blanket over his face to block the light out. Enji sighed and shook his head as he walked over and pulled the blanket off "let's go" with that he picked his son up taking him downstairs where everyone else is at. The family looked as they chuckled a little seeing their half asleep brother over their father's shoulder. Enji threw him down on the floor making him wake up from impact. "What the fuck did you do that for!" he yelled as he glared at his father

He didn't get a response though so he stood up and sat down next to his brother. Touya put his head down wanting to go back to sleep but he knew he couldn't since they had to leave soon which to him was a nightmare and sorta a blessing since he can get away from his parents and get to see Keigo. "Do you want anything to eat?" asked Rei quietly as to not disturb her son any more than he already was. He responded with a quiet no though as he got up, going to the kitchen and grabbing a water from the fridge. He didn't say another word as he went upstairs and grabbed some clothes from his room then heading to the bathroom to get a shower

Once he was done he dried himself off as well as his hair and got dressed in a hoodie and black pants with chains hanging from his side and safety pins on the hood while some went down his sleeves. He put his towel on his shoulders then brushed his teeth. He made his way out the bathroom and to his room to hang his towel up

He put his shoes on, grabbed his bag and went downstairs where Fuyumi and Shoto were all ready. "Where's Nat?" he asked sitting down next to his sister "he's still getting ready" she said as he sighed. After a bit Natsuo came downstairs so they could finally leave

Le time skip bc I can

The siblings walked down their normal route to get to Shoto's school and then walked to theirs after they dropped him off. Keigo was walking on the other side of the street till he noticed Touya and his siblings walking so he crossed over making them stop as he smiled at them. Touya smiled back as a slight blush came to his face. His siblings smiled at each other as they watched their interaction

"Hi Touya" Keigo said as he hugged him. It was the first time Keigo has hugged him so he didn't know what to do. "Hi" he looked down at him as Keigo looked up. After their hug they walked towards the school in silence till Keigo broke it "You look nice today" he said with a smile. Touya blushed slightly as he chuckled nervously with a slight smile on his face

"Thank you. You also look nice" Keigo wrapped his arm around Touya's holding him close. His heart was beating fast at the contact but he didn't show it as they walked onto the school grounds

Keigo's POV

After awhile of walking we arrived at the school and we went our separate ways. Touya's siblings going to their classes then me and him going to ours. We walked in the class saying good morning to the teacher and going to our seats. As class begun we all took out our stuff to write down notes but me I also drew a bit around my notes. It makes it look better ya know

After about 15 minutes into the class I feel a pair of eyes on me so I look around the class but no one was looking at me at all not even Touya. He was doing the same thing I was just drawing in his book. That's a bit strange but I'll leave it alone for now I guess

Time skip to lunch

When lunch came, we all left our class to get to the lunchroom. I was on the second floor so it took me a bit to get there. I enter in and go to the table that Rumi was sitting at. I greeted her with a smile and place my stuff down on the chair as me and her went to the line to get our food. Once we got it we go back to our table to sit down. I was looking for Touya but I couldn't find him so I'm guessing he was in a different part of the lunchroom with his siblings

I didn't realize though that I was spacing out cause I felt eyes on me and I was trying to find where it was coming from but there's to many people here so it's hard to know who it is. I felt a hand on my shoulder making me jump so I turned to see Rumi looking at me with a worried expression. "Hey are you ok?" she asks. I just sigh and rub my face in frustration "no I'm not. I feel like someone's been watching me all day and it's starting to scare me a little. I don't know who it is yet I've been feeling it ever since I got into class" she nodded in understanding as she hugged me close to her

"It's ok you'll be just fine. Maybe it's just you being paranoid or something but trust me your alright" I didn't feel like it though. This is getting me so frustrated but I'll leave it alone for now and just eat my food

Another time skip to the end of the day (ik I'm terrible lol)

Touya's POV

I've been keeping an eye on Keigo all day. I know he felt my eyes on him but when he looked around I always looked away. At least it was the end of the day so I can follow him for a bit. I told my siblings to go ahead and get Shoto. They never question why so they always leave like I ask. As soon as Keigo and Rumi came out, I waited to get some distance between us then I started walking

I made sure to stay hidden amongst the people around me so it wouldn't be weird. They went into a store first so I followed and took note of where he likes to go to get some snacks and drinks after school. When they walked out I got some distance between us again and continued on my way. He went into a coffee shop with her so of course I followed in. I stood behind two other people so I could hear what he likes. I took note of that as well and got what I wanted when it was my turn

After a bit they left so I left as well. As time was passing I made sure to get some pictures of the places and some pictures of Keigo as well. I mean I didn't need them but in this case I wanted them so it's no big deal right? He won't know about them and neither will anyone else so it doesn't matter. Anyway after they left, they both went their separate ways. I followed Keigo all the way to his home and waited for him to go inside. I took my phone out and got a picture of his address then made my way home

Once I got home I seen my parents in the living room while I'm guessing my siblings were im their rooms or either in the back. "Hey where were you? You didn't come in with your siblings" I was about to go up to my room before my mom spoke. I sighed and turned around pulling a fake smile to my parents. "I was out for a small walk that's all. Needed a break for a bit" I said as they nodded and let me go up to my room. As I entered I closed the door and locked it behind me, throwing my stuff on the floor and jumping onto my bed

It was a long day but I don't mind. I got to see my love today so to me that's all that matters. He has no idea what he's doing to me. He makes me feel different than I should but he makes me feel so good. It's all so new yet so addicting

Don't worry my little bird I'll get you in the end. Just you wait

>───⇌• :🌷: •⇋───<>───⇌• :🌷: •⇋───<

Word count: 1517

Is this a bit better? Probably. Not much changed abt it but I tried to make some of it different

Idk what else to say so like usual

If u have any criticism it is welcome

All hate will be ✨deleted✨

Cya lovelies ✌️🏻🏳️‍🌈❤

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