Chapter [One]

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Have you ever felt as if you were losing control of your perfect life? A life that you had fought hard to achieve? After years of blood, sweat, and tears, navigating through the turmoils of puberty while successfully climbing the social ladder of the hellhole I called high school. I finally found my groove, which I danced to. Life was glorious.

I was the third born son of the previous Beta. I had two older, obnoxious idiots I called Liam and Luke, and a younger sister called Lillian. Anyway, as the third child, I was never meant to be the future Beta, but it didn't bother me. I was going to attend college next year when I graduated from the hellhole. Unfortunately, that meant that I had to leave my best friend Justin behind.

Justin, the lumbering giant, had been my friend since our mothers popped us out of their wombs. Yeah, it was gross to think about, but it was true. I couldn't have asked for a better friend than him. A month ago, Justin turned eighteen and shifted for the first time. You see, young werewolves cannot shift until they turn eighteen. It sucked, but it also prevented hormonal teenagers from going on a rampage when their feelings got hurt. So yeah, I was stuck with a prima donna yapping around inside my head.

"Hey! Who are you calling a prima donna, bitch?" My other half yells out.

I winced and then replied, "You, Orion."

"Yeah, funny bones. You'd better get your head into the game before—"

A football to my helmet muffled out Orion's warning. Knocked off my feet, my back soon met the green turf with a thud rippling through my body. I watched on as a couple of white puffy clouds drifted along the clear blue sky while catching my breath. Another tortuous football practice... It was not that I didn't love football. However, after four years of playing the game, it had become less significant to me. I only tried out this year because Justin nagged me until I caved under pressure.

A large hand appeared, descending toward my face. "Come on, man," Justin grunted. Wrapping his digits over the rail guard, he yanked me to my feet. Jerk! "It's not the time to space out. The couch will have your ass in a grip lock if you don't get your head into the game."

I sighed while readjusting my shoulder pads. "Sorry, Captain Jackass. I can't seem to concentrate today."

Justin patted me on the shoulder while chuckling at my remark. "It wouldn't surprise me, considering that tomorrow's your birthday." His gray eyes twinkled mischievously. "Hopefully you won't stay this short after tomorrow, short stack." He knocked twice on my helmet before scampering off before I could redecorate his handsome face.

Shaking my head, I didn't want to drool over my best friend again. Yeah, I was gay. However, I was too scared to step out of the closet just yet. Not that our school or pack was homophobic. As a matter of fact, the headmaster was married to a muscle head who worked at the local gym. So there was a strong policy in place at the school against discrimination of any kind. The last loser who picked on a gay kid got suspended before his ass hit the exit doors.

I've had a crush on Justin since middle school, but kept it tight to my chest. I didn't want to lose my best friend. Although it was a cliché to crush on your best friend, I couldn't help my feelings.

"Hey! Mr. Grand?" The coach yelled at me, waving his clipboard in the air. "Get your pasty ass over here before I drag you off the field!" A few of the cheerleaders on the side of the field laughed at my expense.

I reluctantly pulled my helmet off my face before running toward my doom. Justin warned me it would happen, but I didn't listen. A cool breeze hit me on the back of my neck as I approached our coach. And man, he looked pissed. His porn-star mustache bristled as his brown eyes landed on me. I nervously ran my fingers through my sweaty blond hair, trying to get rid of my helmet hair.

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