Chapter [Eleven]

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Micheal Thorton was the new alias I used when I entered the police academy and has served me well thus far. Even after all this time, I couldn't let my guard drop. So, to stay ahead of the Wolven Council, I periodically hacked their mainframe to see if my alias name cropped up on their radar. Luckily, it hadn't. Call me paranoid, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

I grasped the doorknob of the sheriff's office. Goddamnit! Why was it so hard? My hands trembled as I lingered at the door. These F.B.I. agents couldn't have been here for me, but my paranoia still stuck out its ugly rear end. With a last deep breath, I twisted the door handle and entered the bear's den. Edward always hated it when we named his office as such. He would usually grumble and growl, cursing us with every cuss word he could think of.

The office wasn't big, but yet not cluttered either. A big wooden desk took up most of the space in front of a bay window, which overlooked the busy street below. Two leather chairs stood in front of the desk while a withered-down couch was propped up against the opposite wall. Most of the walls had pictures hanging from them; the smiles of his wife and children, immortalized, brightened up the office. A pang of sadness ran through my heart. I couldn't stop thinking of the child that was taken from me.  

As I pulled myself out of my wallowing, I sensed three sets of eyes on me. I squirmed on the spot but held a tight rein on my facial features. I walked over to Edward while ignoring his guests. However, I couldn't ignore the lingering gazes of the F.B.I. agents scrutinizing me at every step. I unintentionally rubbed a sigil on the base of my wrist. It was an enchantment that altered my scent. I couldn't change my identity while keeping my scent the same. 

"Did you need me, Chief?" I asked, keeping my voice dull.

Edward rubbed the bald patch on his head and said, "Deputy Thorton. I wish to introduce you to our guests." Only then did I glance over at the F.B.I. agents.

I kept my face passive while observing the newcomers. In the left seat sat a hulk of a man with a mane that could make a lion proud. His hair was reddish, but while combed, the man's hair still held a wild steak in it. The beast of a man's brown eyes held an air of dominance in them that could make even the sheriff fall to his knees. With a slight flare of my nostrils, I picked up the scent of a lion shifter. No surprise there. However, the second agent next to him made my skin crawl.

The second man's black eyes dug too deep. He had a leery smile on his face. His black hair was sleeked back toward his neck. The biggest and most obvious facial trade that tried to stab me in my face was his overly large, hooked nose. He reminded me of a rat, even though he was a werewolf.

"Good morning, gentlemen," I greeted them with a bit of vomit in my mouth as the weirdo continued raking his black eyes over my body.

"To you too, Deputy Thorton," the man replied while rising from his chair. "Agent Jude Benette, at your service." He then shook my hand.

Unfortunately for me, the rat--I mean werewolf, next to him, stood as well and grasped my hand. I shuddered as his clammy hands met mine. "A pleasure. I'm agent Noah Slade." He then turned to Edward while his smile warped into a grin. "Sheriff Miller, If I had known you had such a handsome deputy, I would have visited ages ago."

Just let it go, Caleb. This creep isn't worth it. Nothing would have made me happier than to slap the sleazeball through a wall, but it wasn't worth it. I pulled away from his grip, promising to scrub my hand in acid for good measure. 

"Agent Benette," Edward growled. "Would you mind keeping your team member in check? I don't have the strength to write up a report if my Deputy decides to put a bullet in his brain." 

The sleazebag quickly raised his hands in the air and said, "Sorry, but I have a weak spot for handsome men in uniforms." His beady little eyes raked my body.

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