Chapter [Ten]

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*** [Six Years Later] ***

It's been a harrowing experience, but yet a fulfilling one at the same time. My freedom didn't come easy, mind you. After a month, after I ran away from the pack, the assholes informed the Wolven Council of my defection. The council then declared me a wanted rogue, as if I had done a great misdeed. 

I used magical runes that I had tattooed on the back of my neck to change my appearance and scent. Instead of white hair and pale gray eyes, I sported black hair and hazel eyes. After my transformation, I entered the police academy and became a police officer. It was funny what money could buy. A few thousand dollars in a corrupt official's hand, and not even the police could find me among them. My new alias held up even under the scrutiny of the law. I spend the next three years working in New York City before transferring to a small town in Massachusetts. 

Haven's Point was a small community of a thousand or so. Most of the inhabitants of the harbor town were supernaturals. I chose the town because there were no packs around. One less problem, I had to contend with. It took me two years before the town's sheriff appointed me as his deputy. I loved the town and its people, but one downside of living in such a small town was that people usually dove headfirst into your business. Luckily, I was able to keep my real identity from being discovered so far. The only people that knew of me were the Sheriff and his family.

Edward Miller was a beast of a man, standing at six feet two inches with a muscled body, which could stop a bull in its tracks. Ironically, he was a bear shifter, so I wouldn't have put it past the man to challenge a bull to a fight and walk out the other end without a scratch. And yet for his imposing image, he was a big softy when it came to his children and wife. 

I woke up from another nightmare with an alarm clock shrilling beside me. I groaned as I fumbled for the snooze button. Once the ruckus died down, my lovely little minx made herself known by sitting on my chest, meowing at me to wake up. Her hazel eyes bore into me while she pawed at my chest. I chuckled and then rubbed the back of her head, making her purr in delight. Her name was Cookie. Yip. Cookie. The lovely feline was a tortoiseshell cat. With a beautiful pelt speckled with black and orange.

After the short petting session, I placed Cookie on the bed and headed downstairs. Once I reached the kitchen, I switched on the coffee maker and made breakfast. Soon, the smell of bacon and scrambled eggs wafted through the cabin. Just as I plated my food, Cookie jumped onto the marbled countertop. She stared at my food, waiting for hers. I chuckled as I opened the overhead cupboard. Retrieving a can of tuna, I walked over to her bowl. 

After I prepared Cookie's meal, I grabbed my plate of food and walked out onto the patio. A gentle breeze brushed against me as I approached a table situated in the corner of the wooden deck overlooking the forest below. Cold steel bit into my naked back as I sat down. The fresh air of the forest helped to dispel the lingering effects of the nightmare I've had since I lost my pup to those jerks. Every time I jolted awake, the cries of my infant rang in my ears. 

Shaking my head, I quickly scarfed down my food before heading back into the cabin. My little cabin wasn't much to look at, but it was home. There were only three rooms: two bedrooms and a study. The master bedroom was on the second floor with an en-suite attached. The second bedroom was downstairs, next to the study and guest bathroom (not that I had any guests staying over). Then there was the open-spaced living room with a small kitchen to round off the living space. 

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