Chapter [Two]

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As I stood under the showerhead, scalding hot water danced down my tired back. If only the soothing water could melt away my fears. Call me childish if you want, but I didn't want to be an omega. Not that it was shameful or anything, but I didn't want to end up as a trophy. Omegas were rare. The Moon Goddess granted only a handful of omegas to a pack at any given time. For example, Luna was the only omega.

"You're overthinking things," Orion said. "Who said you're about to turn into an omega wolf? You could as well turn into a submissive beta."

I froze at his words. Maybe. Betas were the only class with fluidity. Betas could be submissive and dominant. It gave me hope. Alphas, however, were always dominant, while Omegas were submissive. But don't let the title fool you. Omegas were known as submissive alphas. They were a tad weaker than an alpha, but stronger than a beta. However, omegas were too gentle in nature to throw their weight around.

As for the deltas and werewolves without ranks, they were not as influenced by pheromones. Or maybe they didn't give a shit about whipping their dicks around to display their dominance.

"Just go with the flow, Cal. You're driving me crazy."

I scoffed at Orion before turning off the shower. The heavy blanket of steam soon dispersed as I dried myself off. I wrapped a towel around my waist before I gathered up all of my belongings. I then exited the stall and stepped into the chaos of the crowded locker room. Swallowing heavily, I lowered my head toward the black and white tiled floor before I embarrassed myself by getting an erection. The locker room was bustling with naked men strutting their stuff around without inhibitions. I rushed over to my locker and started changing into my jeans and red t-shirt.

A large hand slapped me on the back of my back, causing me to squeak out, much to my humiliation. Several chuckles rang out. I glared at Justin as he smirked at me, but my glare faltered when my traitorous eyes landed on my best friend's chiseled chest.

"Sorry, Cal," Justin chuckled, removing his pants. I quickly averted my eyes. "I didn't mean to scare you."

"You didn't," I replied sheepishly while slipping on my sneakers.

"Yeah, right..."

I retrieved my backpack before slamming the locker door. Hesitating about leaving, I swayed on the spot before sinking down onto the bench. I didn't want to go home. Most likely, my father was waiting for me with another lecture, locked and loaded.

Justin sat down beside me and said, "You can't avoid your father. You have to tell him."

I scratched the imaginary itch on my stubbled chin before replying, "Yeah, I know. But I don't have the strength for one of his lectures. He always compares me to my brothers."

Justin slung his arm around my neck. My face warmed at his touch. "Just ignore him. He's too wrapped up in his own glory to see your worth." He pulled me closer, pecking me on the side of my head. "You are not your brothers. You're smarter than they are and you have other skills that could benefit the pack in the future. That is why my father agreed to send you to college."

That is why I had a crush on my best friend. He was always there for me when I needed him. My lips curled into a smile. I patted his hand before saying, "Thanks. You're a great friend to have in my corner."

Justin laughed, giving me another hug before standing. I nearly fell off the bench when his massive dick came so close to slapping me in the face.

"What the hell?! Get your dick out of my face, you idiot!" I grabbed my bag and retreated to a safe distance. My face must have been red as a tomato.

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