Chapter [Nine]

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I stumbled out of the portal and hit my knees against a makeshift coffee table in the middle of the abandoned cabin. The barrel and piece of plywood keeled over and clattered to the ground. I hissed out, jumping on the spot as I rubbed the pain away. Hitting my shin hurts like a mother humper!

Trying to distract myself from the pain, I took in the sorry state of the cabin. When I was nine years old, Justin and I built this cabin to get away from everyone in the pack. But I haven't visited this place in ages. A thick blanket of dust coated every surface of the cabin. Sunlight filtered through the weather-worn planks that held up the roof. Dozens of spiderwebs danced along the ceiling as a light breeze swept through the cabin through the only window the cabin had.

I shook my head and scoffed at all the faded happy memories the cabin held. I didn't have the time to ponder about how much simpler my life was back then. Wasting no time further, I hurried out of the cabin and made my way toward my former house. I know. I said that I never wanted to return. But I needed the supplies I hid in my room's closet under blood runes. Even if my parents rummaged through my belongings, they'd never find the things I've hidden from them. All along the way, I crept through the silent forest. I kept an ear on the ground for any of the patrols that swept through the forest.

Nearing the wooden fence of my former home, I peeked over the edge to see if the coast was clear. Hearing or seeing no movement in the house, I jumped the fence and darted toward the patio door. My heart drummed in my throat as I scanned the kitchen for any movement. Hopefully, none of my family was at home at the moment. I slowly slid the sliding door open and walked into the kitchen.

"Why are we here?" Orion growled out.

I slammed my hand over my mouth. "What the fuck is wrong with you?! My heart nearly popped a valve." My legs suddenly buckled under Orion's sudden appearance. "Why did you decide to appear now suddenly?"

"I woke up and found out that your dumbass came back to the place that screwed up our lives."

I scoffed while sneaking out of the kitchen and into the living room. "I need to retrieve the items I hid before we make a run for it."

Orion begrudgingly nodded before I headed upstairs, but before I reached the first floor, soft music came from my sister's room, accompanied by laughter.

"Abort!" Orion yelled out.

I shook my head and crept to my room. "We can't. This is the only time we'll get a chance." I opened my room's door and hurried inside before closing the door again.

Once inside of my room, I rushed into the closet and slid the clothes aside on the railing at the back of the closet. Without hesitation, I bit down on my thumb, drawing blood before smearing it across the wall. An intricate square made of runes appeared on the wall. I plunged my hand into the surface of the wall. The wall rippled like liquid as I pulled out a red backpack.

I zipped open my price. In the backpack, I had a laptop, fake passports, driver's licenses, documents, and bundles of cash. All needed to create a new identity. For years, I have worked as a security consultant and a hacker from time to time. Nothing serious, but it allowed me to earn money while my siblings sponged on my parents. It seemed my paranoia came in handy. As a hacker, you always had to be ready to bolt for the hills in case you drew unwanted attention.

I smiled while I removed a woven leather armband with a moonstone attached to it from the bag. It held a massive amount of energy in the stone that I could use if needed. Magic. While most werewolves avoided magic, I didn't. I wasn't a warlock, but if you had a talisman such as a bracelet, you could do magic. I then zipped up the backpack before securing it on my back. Before doing anything else, I secured the bracelet around my right wrist. The moonstone warmed for a few seconds before cooling down again. I shuddered at the influx of energy at my fingertips.

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