Chapter [Three]

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Slamming my bedroom door shut, I threw my schoolbag onto my bed. I breathed in deeply, trying to rein in my emotions. Kicking off my snickers, I walked up to my bed and plowed down upon it, glaring up at the ceiling. Muffled shouts reverberated throughout my bedroom. No doubt my mom was busy pummeling my father's face in. Wish I could have seen it, but I didn't want to be near him. A disappointment...

"Don't do that to yourself," Orion chipped in.

Shaking my head, I replied, "Why not? To him I'll always be one."

"Then get over it and show him you're not. You have your own life to live. He's measuring his own to yours and judging you accordingly. The truth is, you're not your father. Don't let his bloated ego get in the way of reaching your dreams."

I rubbed my eyes and sighed. "I know... but it still hurts hearing him say that. He'll never accept me for me."

"Then it's his problem, not yours."

A knock on the door interrupted our conversation. I stared at the door, dreading who was behind it. My father had the knack for storming into my room and berating me until he decided he got his point across. Deciding to take the risk, I called out.

"Who is it?"

A giggle rang out behind the door. "It's your mother."

Thank the heavens. I didn't want to see my father's face for the rest of the night. "Come in." I heaved myself off the bed, sitting upright just before my mom sauntered into the room carrying a plate of food.

"So?" She walked up to me and handed me the plate of food. Great! Pizza! "How are you feeling?" My mom asked while pushing a few strands of blond hair behind her ear.

I loved my mom's blond hair; it was just like mine. It was common knowledge that the lighter your hair color was, the more submissive you were as a werewolf, but I didn't believe it. The Luna, who was an Omega, was submissive as they came, but if you angered her, even the Alpha ran for the hills when it happened.

I huffed while taking a bite out of a slice of pizza. "As good as can be after dad told me I was a disappointment I am to him."

My mom's eyebrows furrowed before she sat beside me. "Don't take it to heart, Caleb. You know your father. He's always puts your grandfather's teachings before his common sense."


No matter how many excuses came out of my mom's mouth, the fact stared me in the face—my father would never have approved of me. I sighed, then continued devouring the plate of pizza. An awkward silence reigned over the room until I couldn't take it anymore. My mom always insisted on having a point to a conversation.

"I'm not joining the team again," I blurted out, licking my fingers clean. "Running around and acting like a brainless jock is not one of my life goals anymore."

My mom giggled and then patted my leg. "Don't worry. I will get your father off your back."

"How?" I glanced at her, wondering how. The old Beta never let go of his chew toys. "He's never going to let me quit."

"Leave it to me. As much as your father wants to think he's in control, he isn't."

"But he's a dominant," I countered, handing back the empty plate to my mom. "They always get what they want."

My mom stood up from the bed. "You would think so, but we, as submissives, have a secret weapon."

"And that is...?"

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