Chapter [Six]

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The only thought whirling in my mind when I uttered those words was, 'It was at this moment when he knew he fucked up'. And it couldn't have been truer when my father let loose a snarl and his eyes began glowing blue. He stomped his way up to me, only for my mom's hand to stop him in his tracks. However, I didn't cower away as I usually did. No. His hostility toward me only infuriated me and Orion. I precipitated his outburst with a snarl of my own as Orion pushed forward. I glared at my father, glaring up at him.

"Easy, the both of you!" my mom yelled out, slapping us both on our chests, stepping in between us.

My father's gaze fell onto my mother's before he snorted out a response, "At least you grew a back bone, boy."

I clenched my fists. My claws dug into the palm of my hands, drawing blood. "Well, father. You should grow another pair of ears and listen to me. I'm. Not. Going. Anywhere!"

Before my father could react to my outburst, Justin stepped up to the plate before we sunk our claws into each other. "Caleb. Calm down." My glare turned to my best friend. Wasn't he supposed to be on my side? It stung a bit. "I'll be there when you speak to the Elders and my father. Nothing's going to happen."

"How can you be so sure?" I said, backing away from my father. "They rarely invite a pack member in for a cup of tea."

Justin chuckled at my comment. "They just want to talk to you. That's it."

I didn't believe him. No matter what excuse Justin came up with, I knew better than to trust the Elders. They didn't become involved in a matter if it didn't affect the pack at large, so summoning me to the Alpha's chambers made my skin itch. They were up to something.

My father scratched his beard before storming out of the room. "Just get dressed and meet us at the Alpha's office before I order your brothers to drag your ass to it." His voice echoed out from the hallway.

Fuck, I hated him... My mom rubbed my shoulder before exiting the room.

"Get dressed before your father acts on his threat," Justin said before leaving me alone in my room.


Walking toward the pack house, I couldn't shake loose the feeling of dread snaking its way around my body. The Elders were a conniving bunch of old coots who tried to hold on to their fading glory before they kicked the bucket. It didn't help when every pack member I passed along the way stared at me. Some were in wonder, others in curiosity, while the rest had a vague expression on their faces, as if their brains had short-circuited. Omega males weren't common amongst typical omegas, so I was the new freak show on the block everyone ogled at.

To soon to my liking, I reached the Alpha's office. My fingers lingered on the cold handle of the door. I wanted to bolt out of the pack house and tell the Elders to go lick their genitals, but the door suddenly opened and my father's usual bitch face stared at me.

"Come in and stop wasting our time," my father grumbled out. He stepped out of the way, allowing me to enter the office.

The Alpha's office was as grand as one expected it to be. It was modern, with a large glass window behind the Alpha's desk, which bathed the office in natural light. Our leader sat behind a large desk made of glass and metal with a laptop sitting on his right.

As I stepped into the office, his dominating aura washed over me. Luckily, it didn't affect me much since I turned into an omega. We were technically alphas ourselves. We had to be since omegas had to protect themselves from other wolves who didn't grasp the concept of the word 'no'. The only difference between an omega and alpha was that we didn't run around pissing on everything to show off our dominance.

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