Chapter [Five]

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After the Alpha gave his speech, an unnatural silence fell over the crowd. The rest of the group, who were about to shift for the first time, moved away from each other to give each other space to shift. All the while, I kept my eyes on the ground, not wanting to gage the others' facial expressions. I couldn't help shaking while swallowing continuously. We had to wait for the full moon to peek out from behind the scattered clouds. Once the moon's rays washed over us, we had to stare up at the moon for the shift to start.

"Stop fidgeting! You're going to have a heart attack before we can shift," Orion said in a condescending tone of voice, ignoring the prospects of the pain we were going to go through in the next couple of minutes.

I huffed out and replied, "I can't help it. You're not the one who has to handle the pain that comes with the transformation, so shut it!"



"OK, everyone! The time has come," the Luna shouted out, making me flinch.

A few seconds later, the grass underneath my feet lit up underneath the moon's rays. I hadn't looked up at the moon as I was supposed to. A sickening crack, followed by a scream, pierced the night. Alisha fell to the ground a few feet away from me. She began ripping off her robe as her claws ripped through her fingernails, coating the white robe in blood. My heart sank into my ass. How could I not? I watched on, transfixed, as she transformed in front of me, followed by the other three.

"Caleb!" my father's steeled voice cut into me. "Get a move on. You're wasting time!" My father scowled at me, but my mom drew his attention away by placing a hand on his shoulder.

I had on choice. If I dallied on any longer, my father would have jumped off the platform and forced me to look up at the moon. Gathering my courage, I stared up at the full moon. Before I could enjoy its beauty, a searing bolt of pain flashed through my skull and down my spine. My eyes watered as I staggered backward. Another bolt of pain stabbed me in the base of my spin. I crumble toward the damp grass, claws digging into the damp grass. Nothing could have prepared me. The pain was agonizing. I bit into my lip, tasting the iron in my blood. Luckily, before the pain became too much, I blacked out.

The moment I regained consciousness, the world around me lit up in an array of saturated color, clearer than it had ever been. I scanned the surrounding forest, realizing that it wasn't as dark as it was before. Sniffing around, a wide variety of scents bombarded me. My body still ached, but nothing too overwhelming. Slowly, I lifted my head and glanced around me. The first thing which caught my eyes was Alisha, who pranced around her parents. They laughed at her silliness. She didn't change into an omega which shocked me, but a delta wolf. Her coat was golden, fading into a gray undercoat. As for the other three, there was one gray wolf and two reddish wolves. But soon, the attention I received from everyone around me pulled me out of my musing.

"What are they staring at?" I asked Orion.

The lousy mutt snickered and then replied, "Well, let's just say they're suffering from shock."

I growled and then heaved myself off the ground, struggling to regain my footing. "Stop with your fortune cookie answers and just tell me!"

"Bitchy, are we?"

I shook my head and said, "Just forget I asked. You're an ass."

"Oh, honey! You're gorgeous!" My mom yelled out as she rushed to me and enveloped me in a spine-crushing hug.

I backpedaled, but to no avail. I tried to complain, but I couldn't talk. A couple of low-pitched whine escaped my maw. Soon enough, nearly all of my family surrounded me. Most of them looked at me with awe edged in their faces, but my father hadn't. His face became stoic before he muttered out.

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