Chapter [Four]

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After the bombshell Justin dropped on my lap, the day blurred past too quickly. While Justin kept me busy by taking me out to several of our usual hangouts, I couldn't stop thinking about what he said. He and Alisha had been friends since kindergarten with me along the way. Only a year ago did Justin and Alisha started dating. I had foolishly believed that he had loved her, but it seemed it wasn't the case.

As we drove back toward the pack, the last dying rays of the sun flashed through the forest. Justin was busy humming along with the radio while tapping his forefingers to the beat of the drums. Before us, two massive iron-wrought gates slowly swung open. The time had finally come. Eighteen years of waiting wrecked havoc on my heart.

"Don't be so nervous," Orion said. If the wolf had a physical form, he would have wagged his tail. "We've been waiting for this for so long. I can't wait to feel the touch of grass underneath my paws for the first time."

"Well, just don't go crazy. Dad's going to watch us like a hawk. If we don't act dignified, he'll probably hunt us down and skin us for embarrassing him."

Orion snorted and replied with a huff, "Well, he can go and chase his tail for all I care. This is our night and not his."

"Well, it's your ass on the line if he takes a bite out of it."

"Hey, Cal." Justin waved his hand over my face, snapping me out of my conversation with Orion. "Are you ready?"

I shook my head as we turned into the parking lot in front of the pack house. My breath froze in my lungs as I saw the droves of pack members making their way into the mansion in front of us. Before I could freak out, Justin's hand caught mine as I tried to loosen my seatbelt. My head snapped toward his. A radiant, yet handsome, smile threw my worries aside. A gentle squeeze from Justin's hand further mellowed my frazzled nerves.

"Don't worry about tonight," Justin said. "Just enjoy the party. I have you."

Those three simple words made all the deference in the world to me. If I had the courage, I would have kissed Justin right in that moment, but reality was far from fantasy.

"Thanks," I mumbled out as I clicked my seatbelt loose before exiting the SUV.

I slowly walked in front of the red SUV and came to a halt at the edge of the green lawn that surrounded the pack house. Sweeping my hand through my golden locks, I stared apprehensively at the entrance where the Luna and my mother greeted the pack members. This is going to be a long night...

Justin's hand touching my shoulder caused me to jump out of my skin, earning a chuckle from the bouldering lump of muscles. "Come on, it's not as if we're walking to your funeral."

"It does sure feel this way."

The would-be prince of the pack laughed as he threw his arm around my neck and led me toward the entrance of the pack house. It was funny. As long as I could remember, I wanted to shift into my wolf form. But now that the day had finally arrived, I didn't want to deal with the strings attached. It could have been the best day of my life or the worst.

As we neared the pack house, I saw Alisha standing beside the Luna wearing a floral summer dress with a purple cardigan. Her caramel skin glowed under the setting sun while her dark-brown afro bounced around as she laughed along with the Luna and my mother. It was a wonder that Justin didn't love her. Who couldn't? She was gorgeous. She had the most captivating hazel eyes that warmed your soul.

"So tell me, Justin," I asked. "What's going to happen between you and Alisha?"

Justin sighed and said, "I don't know... I love her. But not as a lover or mate. Besides, I believe that even her heart belongs to someone else. She's probably too afraid to disappoint her parents."

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