Chapter [Seven]

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A soft tune drew me out of my slumber. With a strained groan, I opened my eyes, but hissed as a bright light burned the back of my eye sockets. I quickly covered my face while my eyes became adjusted to the light. I lowered my hands, stroking the soft linens beneath me while taking in my surroundings. Murals of wolves chasing each other amongst the trees of a forest stretched along the room's walls. Two fluorescent lights hummed along from the ceiling overhead. To my right, there was a one-way mirror and a door to its left.

Where am I?

Another half-an-hour past until the door swung open. A brunet woman wearing a navy-blue pinstriped suit with matching shoes clacked her way toward me. She held a green file in her hand. Before she reached me, she pulled a hospital chair next to my bed and sat on it. She opened her file, ignoring me for a full minute before she looked at me. Her muddy brown eyes raked my face before a smile crept across her face.

"Good evening, Caleb," she said, removing her reading glasses. "My name's Dr. Steiner, the director of the Blooming Hills Institute. I'm here to welcome you and help answer any question you undoubtedly have."

I could help scoff at her shrilly voice grating my ears. "How did I get here?" I wheezed out. My throat burned something fierce.

Dr. Steiner hummed while she poured a glass of water and handed it over to me. "The two gentlemen you met before brought you here, at the behest of your pack. You arrived earlier this afternoon, so we placed you in this room for integration."

The cold water running down my throat quelled the burn at the back of my throat. I placed the empty glass back onto the bedside table before I said, "Well, I don't care. I don't want to be here and my pack can go fuck themselves."

"Unfortunately, you can't leave," she replied while closing the folder. "Your pack has activated the pack protection act of 1978. It states that in an event where a pack has no heir, they can draft an omega into acting as a surrogate to assist the pack or its ally."

Drafted? What the fuck? Orion growled out at the lunacy of the situation. Who gave them the right to take away his freedom and choice when to have pups? It was his body! His! Not the pack's.

"No, they have no right!" I tried to bolt off the bed, but the bitch beside me froze my body with a flick of her finger. A fucking witch... "Let go of me!" I stained against the spell, but I couldn't move. My muscles burned under the strain. With a snarl, I dropped back onto the bed, defeated.

The doctor sighed and then she said, patting my shoulder, "I'm really sorry, but there's not much I can do. The law is clear and your pack's Alpha has already signed the proper documents. We have also received the sample from the father-to-be, so in a couple of hours we're going to induce your heat cycle and then artificially inseminate you."

Her words rang in my head. I lay numb in the bed, staring up at the ceiling. They were going to force me to carry that fucker's child.

The doctor stood up as the door opened up. A blond-headed nurse entered the room pushing a trolley entered the room. "Caleb. You're not the first omega who rebelled at this, but it's a necessary evil. There are too few omegas in the world and we need you to give this a chance. Your pup will end up saving a pack from breaking apart." A few tears slipped from my eyes as the nurse neared me with a syringe in her hands. "You don't have to worry about a thing. The next time you awaken, the procedure will be done."

The doctor told the nurse to prep me before she left the room. I tried to move my arm away from the nurses' reach, but the goddamn spell made it impossible. I watched as the nurse plunged the needle into my arm. Soon, the world faded from view.


Waking up from a drug induced sleep was a bitch. My tongue was numb, my throat parched, and the world around me swirled as my vision cleared up. Great, another freaking white ceiling.

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