Chapter 10: training

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"Months! It's going to take months?" Pippin screeched. Gandalf was attempting to explain to the hobbits what was going to happen on the journey.

When Pippin had asked how long it would take to get places and Gandalf's answer had shocked him. He knew the quest took a long time. "Yes Peregrin Took, months! Months of walking, so you had better start getting used to it!" thundered Gandalf. Pippin fell back on his chair with a cry, "It was a pain to get to Rivendell, how the hell am I supposed to survive months of walking and walking and walking?"

"Maybe you could ask one someone to carry you," retorted Gandalf crossly. Pippin wrinkled his nose, no way would he stoop that low. "I'm just saying, if the orcs don't kill me, the walking will."

The hobbits were not any better off. While they had more durable feet and were used to walking everywhere, it was incredibly rare that any hobbit undertook such a journey. "And that brings me to my next point," huffed Gandalf, "You all need to be trained so if we are attacked, you can do more than flail around!"

"And are you going to train us?" asked Merry. He sounded a bit unsure as he looked at Gandalf's old form. Merry had never seen Gandalf in action before and likely thought that he was riddled with arthritis. This no doubt infuriated Gandalf, who was already riled up by your complaining. "Is there a problem Meriadoc Brandybuck?" Gandalf asked pointedly. Merry grinned, unaware of Gandalf's ire, "Nope!" Sam nodded at Gandalf, "I think it's a good idea. We shouldn't have to rely on the others all the time." Rowan clapped in agreement. "When will we start?" asked Frodo.

Gandalf had an awful twinkle in his eye, "As soon as you all can explain the path we will take to Mordor!" A thought struck Rowan and she nudged Frodo, "By the way, when we're walking out of here, Mordor is to the left." Frodo was confused but knew you had good intentions, "Thank you, I will keep it in mind." Gandalf folded the maps he had brought, "Well then, we might as well begin with learning how to use a sword now. Best to get as much done as possible. Rowan, I know that you know how to use a sword so you can follow my lead and help the hobbits." Rowan nodded.

Her excitement was then squashed when Gandalf pulled out a new stack of books. "Let's begin." he stated solemnly. Rowan looked at him incredulously, there was no way the hobbits were going to read about using a sword. The hobbits began complaining and Merry and Pippin looked like they were about to riot. Rowan knew Gandalf's wrath so she kept silent.

The four of the hobbits must have made quite the ruckus as Legolas walked past and gave Gandalf a questioning look. Rowan stood up and rushed over to him, "Legolas you need to save them! Gandalf is trying to teach us how to use a sword through a book! Plus, he wont let me teach them."

"She's right! It's ridiculous" backed up Merry. Legolas's eyes flicked between the group and Gandalf, "I must agree Mithrandir, it would be quicker for them to learn if they were given practical experience." Gandalf grumbled something mean under his breath. "It's decided then, it's real swords or nothing!" Rowan informed him.

Gandalf looked torn and Legolas jumped in again, "There are blunted weapons that we can find for you, so that no one is seriously injured." Gandalf seemed to be won over and agreed that it was doable. Merry and Pippin ran out of the room and into the courtyard excitedly. They were eager to get out and stretch their legs. Frodo looked pleased and when Frodo was happy, Sam was happy.

Legolas offered to bring the blunted daggers, and a sword for everyone to use. He returned quickly, but he was not alone. With him were Elladan and Ellrohir. "We decided that you may need some extra hands!" piped up Elladan. "And what sort of host would we be if we didn't offer our help!" continued Elrohir. Rowan pouted at Legolas, "You couldn't have outrun them or something?" Legolas played innocent, "I was busy bringing the weapons. And I prefer a bow to a sword. Elladan and Elrohir are much better suited to teaching."

Rowan frowned, "Great. More teaching from the twins of terror." Elladan and Ellrohir laughed.

"So it begins again. If her skills with a blade are anything like her skills with a horse, then perhaps we should go back to safety" grinned Elladan. Legolas coughed into his hand and Rowan flushed, "Talk all you want, I made it to Rivendell on horseback without a single incident!"

The hobbits seemed to guess what had been said, "But Rowan, Elladan had to literally pull you off your horse!" pointed out Sam. "I had been riding for three days straight with nine ring wraiths chasing after me." Rowan gave him a poisonous look, "Anyway say another word and I'll dig up all your petunias!" She threatened.

"If you manage to figure out which is which..." he muttered to himself. Unfortunately everyone heard and laughed at your expense.

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