Chapter 39: golden hall

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At Edoras, in the Golden Hall of Meduseld, Éowyn brought Théoden a cup. Théoden raised it and prepared to address a quiet crowd. Aragorn leads the men in standing. Rowan not standing too far away. "Tonight we remember those who gave their blood to defend this country. Hail the victorious dead!" The King cheered to the crowd. "Hail!" The crowd shouted back.  Aragorn hesitated, then drank from his mug when he realised that his sister had noticed. The Rohirrim continue to party in the great hall. Éomer instructs a group, including Rowan, Gimli and Legolas.  "No pauses, no spills." 

Legolas and Gimli are handed mugs of ale. Rowan watches from the side with her pint still in her hand.  "And no regurgitation." Gimli added. "So it's a drinking game?" Legolas questioned to the group, Rowan didn't answer as she had been trying to ignore him since the kiss.  "Aye, Last one standing wins." Gimli laughed.  "What'll we drink to? Let's drink to victory! To victory!" One of the men shouted and the group, including Rowan cheered.  Legolas took a small sip from his drink whilst Gimli chugged his. Meanwhile Éowyn approached Aragorn. "Westu, Aragorn, hál." (Be-thou Aragorn well.) She smiled. Aragorn takes the goblet from Éowyn, who watches him, smiling. Then she made her way back to her Uncle. "I am happy for you. He is an honourable man."

"You are both honourable men." Éowyn corrected still watching Aragorn who had just sat next to his sister who was already tipsy. Rowan began to stroke her brothers hair and Éowyn smiled at the face he was pulling. "It was not Théoden of Rohan who led our people to victory." Her uncle then shrugged, "Ah, don't listen to me. You are young and tonight is for you." 

Gimli and Legolas continue their drinking contest. Gimli grabbed for another drink.  "Here, here. It's the dwarves that go swimming with little hairy women." Gimli slurred as Legolas examined his fingers, looking worried.  "I feel something. A slight tingling in my fingers. I think it's affecting me." Gimli chuckled, "What did I say? He cant hold his liquor!" He then surprisingly passed out and Rowan laughed. Legolas looked smug. "Game over." He boasted as he laughed. He locked eyes with Rowan but she quickly turned to continue her conversation with Éowyn. Merry and Pippin continue to dance on a tabletop to the amusement of onlookers.

"You can keep your fancy ales. You can drink em by the flagon But the only brew for the brave and true..." The two Hobbits sang. "...But the only brew for the brave and true. Comes from the Green Dragon!" They finish as they chugged down their pints. "I win!" Pippin boasted as Aragorn talked quietly with Gandalf. "No news of Frodo?" He asked, his eyes still focused on Merry and Pippin. "No word. Nothing." Gandalf sighed. "We have time. Every day Frodo moves closer to Mordor."

"Do we know that?"

"What does your heart tell you?" Aragorn asked. 

"That Frodo is alive. Yes. Yes, he is alive." With that Aragorn sighed in relief. 


Soon night comes to Edoras. In a communal sleeping room, Gimli snores and Pippin tosses, looking worried. Rowan is fast asleep. Aragorn leaves, carrying his pipe. He pauses to stoke a fire near a sleeping Éowyn. As Éowyn stirs, Aragorn covers her feet and shoulders with a blanket. "What time is it?" She whispered. "Not yet dawn." Aragorn replied and Éowyn grabbed his hand.

 "I dreamed I saw a great wave, climbing over green lands and above the hills. I stood upon the brink. It was utterly dark in the abyss before my feet. A light shone behind me but I could not turn. I could only stand there, waiting." Éowyn whispered remembering her dream. "Night changes many thoughts. Sleep, Éowyn." He whispered back trying to not wake anyone up.  "Sleep... while you can." He added. Aragorn then exited the Golden Hall and approached Legolas from behind as they both looked towards Mordor. "The stars are veiled. Something stirs in the East. A sleepless malice. The Eye of the enemy is moving." Legolas said keeping his eyes fixed on Mordor.

Meanwhile indoors, Pippin woke up and approached a sleeping Gandalf. "What are you doing? Pippin! Pippin?" Merry half shouted, though not waking anyone up.  Gandalf is asleep, although his eyes are open. Pippin waves a hand over Gandalf's face to make sure. Pippin took the Palantír from Gandalf, slowly replacing the space in Gandalf's hands with a chamberpot. "Pippin! Are you mad?"

"I just want to look at it! Just one more time." Pippin whispered his eyes growing fascinated. "Put it back!" Merry continuously persisted as Pippin unwrapped the stone. "Pippin. No! Pippin!" Pippin becomes affixed to the now glowing stone. Outside, Legolas turns to Aragorn. "It is here!" He declared as he turned to run back inside the hall.  "I see you!" Sauron shouted to Pippin. "Pippin! Help! Gandalf Help him! Someone help him!" Merry shouted shaking Rowan awake who screamed when she woke to the terrified face of Merry and the Palantír attached to Pippin's hands.

Aragorn and Legolas enter and everyone else awakes. Pippin, stuck to the burning orb, writhes in pain. Rowan screams and runs over to him but is held back by her brother. Aragorn takes the Palantír and falls to his knees who is then pulled back by Legolas. The Palantír falls from Aragorn's hands and rolls across the floor. Gandalf throws a cloth over it. Rowan sighs. "Pippin!" Merry shouted as he rushed over to his friend.

 "Fool of a Took!" Gandalf spat as he tended to a terrified Pippin. "Look at me." He demanded. "Gandalf! Forgive me!" Pippin breathed out he looked away. "Look at me. What did you see?" Pippin is silent for a bit. "A tree... there was a white tree in a courtyard of stone... it was dead. The city was burning."

"Minas Tirith? Is that what you saw?" Gandalf questioned looking at Aragorn concerned.  "I saw... I saw Him! I could hear His voice in my head!" Pippin cried. "And what did you tell Him? Speak!" Gandalf shouted. "He asked me my name. I didn't answer. He hurt me!" This line made Rowan want to run up and give him a big hug. "What did you tell Him about Frodo and the Ring?"

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