Chapter 34: ready

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Inside Helm's Deep, people wander in to the caves, fearing for their and their loved ones lives. If Rowan was here she would have burst into tears to see husbands and sons being taken away from their wives and mothers. Their just children, she would've thought to herself as Aragorn looked as he saw a young boy around the age of sixteen being dragged off and his mother was in floods of tears, screaming knowing she would probably never see him again. Her son. In the armoury, weapons are handed out to the villagers.

"Farmers, farriers, stable boys. These are no soldiers." Aragorn muttered shaking his head. "Most have seen too many winters!" Gimli huffed. "Or too few. Look at them. They're frightened. I can see it in their eyes." Legolas said as he turned to look at Aragorn as the room turned silent. "Boe a hyn neled herain... dan caer menig!" (And they should be. Three hundred... against ten thousand!) "Si beriathar hyn ammaeg na ned Edoras." Aragorn pointed out as he glared at the elf- he wasn't in the mood to argue with anyone. (They have a better chance defending themselves here than in Edoras.)

"Aragorn, men i ndagor. Hýn ú ortheri. Natha daged aen!" Legolas shouted moving closer to Aragorn. (They cannot win this fight. They are all going to die!) "Then I shall die as one them!" Aragorn yelled as they both stared at each other, and Aragorn walked away from the elf. Leaving him to ponder on his words before he tried to follow his friend. "Let him go, lad. Let him be." Gimli declared as he continued to smoke his pipe, stopping his friend from walking past.


Aragorn made his way out of the armoury and outside where he sat alone on stairs brandishing his own sword, lost in his own thoughts. His thoughts were mostly about Arwen and Rowan. How Arwen was leaving and how his own sister was trapped in Isengard probably dead. What had he done? He blamed his self. He swore to protect his younger sister, especially since they had lost their father and mother when they were both very young. Rowan was eight years old and he wasn't too much older. His thoughts of her stopped when he saw a confused looking child with a sword. "Give me your sword." The boy heard and he immediately stepped forward and gave his sword to the ranger. "What is your name?" Aragorn asked the young boy.

"Háleth, son of Háma, my lord." The boy replied smiling at hearing his fathers name. Háma was a good fighter. Háleth then looked down, "The men are saying that we will not live out the night. They say that it is hopeless." Without answering the young boy's remark Aragorn stood up and swung the sword. "I was briefly taught how to use this sword by one of you, she was really nice and she said there is always hope." Háleth smiled again. "Rowan is her name.. she's my sister, she had a soft spot for children like yourself, she always wanted to teach them how to fight and look after themselves." Aragorn replied tracing his fingers over the edge of the sword.

"You talk of her like she is dead."

"This is a good sword, Háleth, son of Háma." Aragorn added ignoring the boys comment as he laid his hand on the boys shoulder. "There is always hope." Aragorn patted the boys shoulder before he walked of to get changed and ready for the war, remembering the boys words 'you talk of her like she is dead'. Was Rowan dead? He did not know, but he did know that she was very strong.

Inside, Aragorn puts on his armour and Legolas handed him his sword, smiling. "We have trusted you this far and you have not led us astray. Forgive me. I was wrong to despair." Legolas said as he bowed his head. Aragorn smiled back at the elf. "Ú-moe edamed, Legolas." (There is nothing to forgive, Legolas.) They look at each other and smile. Gimli enters the room, wearing armour that is far too long for him. Rowan would immediately burst into laughter and make some joke about getting it adjusted, but she wasn't here.

"If we had time, I'd get this adjusted." Gimli grumbled as the armour fell to the ground. "It's a little tight across the chest." Legolas turned to face Aragorn and a smile escaped from the corner of his lips. The sound of a horn is heard from outside. "That is no orc horn!" Legolas exclaimed. They rush out at a fast pace. Men peer over the wall. "Send for the king. Open the gate!" One man commanded. The gates are opened, and an army of elves march in, the men stare in awe. King Théoden walked down the stairs, in confusion, and met the Elf Captain.

"How is this possible?" Théoden mumbled.

"I bring word from Elrond of Rivendell. An alliance once existed between elves and men. Long ago we fought and died together." Haldir declared. Aragorn, Legolas and Gimli rush down the stairs. "We come to honour that allegiance." Legolas smiled. "Mae govannen, Haldir!" (Welcome, Haldir!) Aragorn smiled as he stood before the elf and then hugged him. Haldir, a little surprised, returned the gesture. "You are most welcome." He finished.

Legolas came down the stairs and embraced Haldir. The army of elves turn and lower their bows and shields in unison. Rowan loved when the elves did that Aragorn thought to himself. "We are proud to fight alongside men, once more." Haldir exclaimed as he walked back over to his guards.

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