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I woke up in shock. I had to rush to the showers in the morning to wash the smell away. It was Yuki. I must have gotten her blood on me last night and it soaked into my skin and clothes. I changed and washed off the smell. Some things can be sickeningly sweet, after all. Yuki and Zero were sleeping during class. I was exhausted as well. I wasn't too used to being awake during the day. Vampires are usually awake at night, and being raised by them, I followed their set of rules. I learned to be a vampire myself, even as a human. In class, I got a text message. It was Akatsuki. He told me it was working well. What I did was I made synthetic pureblood. It'll keep a vampire's hunger in check, but because it's synthetic, it only lasts so long. But it does a hell of a lot more than those blood pills. Akatsuki said he felt like he struggled less with cravings, and that was the point of it.

We got a new teacher recently too. Oddly around the time I show up, the best vampire Hunter became our teacher. That was no coincidence. Yet, he was looking at Zero the whole time. There was something going on I didn't know about yet, and everyone was talking about this dance coming up. A ball where day and night class students are together. That gave me the chills. Both good and bad.

"Miss Erika, put your phone away."

"Yes sir."

At lunch, I left to the night class dorms. As I was on my way, I had someone run right into me. It was Hanabusa. I just stood there blinking as he grabbed my shoulders. I was in fear, that is, until I heard running the distance. Hanabusa smirked at me. "Hello lovely lady."

"Hello Aido. How are you today?"

"Better now that I've seen you. Say, you wouldn't happen to have seen Yuki Cross today, have you?"

"Not during the lunch period. Is there something wrong?"

"Not at all."

I whispered to him. "Don't you be thinking of drinking any blood. This is a place of peace and I will not condone any bad behaviour."

"There's nothing to worry about."

He grabbed onto my hands, and in doing so, pierced through my skin. Sometimes, it was like paper. As thin as could be. Blood dripped down my arm. "Don't worry about this. It happens sometimes."

"You really are breakable. I'm sorry... your blood, it smells so sweet. Like Lord Kaname's."

Akatsuki grabbed me and my arm. "You're hurt! He didn't do this to you, did he? Let me heal that for you. We'll need to wrap it right away."

Girls screamed. "Aido and Kain! I'm so jealous!"

"I wish Kain looked at me like that!"

"I wish he'd hold me like that!"

I looked down. "I'm just fine."

"You're not fine. Your body is falling apart."

I shoved him off of me, tying my tie around my hand. "Stop treating me like I need the help. I'm capable on my own."


"I'm just fine. There's no reason to be worrying about someone like me."

"Please Erika..."

His eyes begged to do something. "If you want to do something, wear your clothes properly. You're a young man, so act like it. A gentleman doesn't go around shirtless or half shirtless. You burn so easily, so you should be protecting your skin."

"You're sometimes so demanding."

I started doing up his buttons on his shirt. "Please, I beg of you."

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