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I woke up feeling weaker than ever. I was laid down on a couch, and Zero handed me a glass of water with a blood tablet in it. I happily drank it. "Thanks..."

"So, you're a vampire?"

"No more than you are."

"That's not very comforting."

"It's cryptic, isn't it? I guess this is all so complicated."

He sighed. "That vial of blood. Drink it now, before it's too late. I wouldn't want you going bezerk."

"I can't go bezerk. I physically can't get to Level E, because I'm not really a vampire."

"But you are one. You've even got... fangs..."

I looked down. "It's a complicated story."

I held the vial of blood in my hands. I opened the lid, but gagged. I could never get used to the smell of blood. Especially aristocrat blood. I couldn't imagine how pureblood blood would taste like. I sat up and downed it. The taste has been getting better and better, but my human mind just keeps telling me it's wrong. Human mind and body, with the abilities of a vampire. How wonderful that was. The only way to survive was this. I was a fighter, but this was still disgusting and I was pretty much an abomination. I was glad Zero didn't ask any more than what he had.

"Zero... you're becoming Level E, aren't you?"

"I can hold on..."

"Don't be silly. Take some of my blood."

He looked at me like I were insane. "Why would I do that?"

"It'll help. I can promise you that."

"You nearly passed out. I'm not taking your blood when you're in this state. If anything, you should be taking mine."

I stood. "Are you offering yourself to me?"

Zero's eyes looked to me and held fear. "Your voice... it's so..."

I sat down again. "I apologize... I'm still having trouble. I haven't been around very many people my age who haven't offered their blood to me in a very long time."

"So you are a vampire?"

"I don't know what I am anymore, honestly. Human, vampire, they're all the same thing now. That's our goal. To blur the lines. What does it matter if a vampire marries a human? Pureblood vampires cause so much trouble, don't they?"

"If Kaname heard you say that..."

"He'd do nothing about it. He couldn't. You have no idea what I've been through, what my family has been through. There's a war going on in the vampire world that you don't even understand or know about because you've been living blissfully unaware as a human for your whole life. Not that it matters to you as a vampire either. I'm trying to help you and if you want to refuse, that's fine. I'll go elsewhere."

"You're going to pass out again."

I turned to him. "I'm finding my own blood bank. I only drink certain blood to keep my body working for longer."

"Oh really? And what vampire is going to let you do that?"

"A good, independent vampire. One who makes a really good hot cocoa."

"Erika, don't get involved in the vampires troubles. It has nothing to do with you."

I looked down. "Sadly, it has more to do with me than you think. I don't have a choice but to continue my duties like a good little experiment. I'm nothing more and nothing less than what is expected of me. Not that you'd understand that. You can do whatever you want. I was locked up until just now. My very existence is sin. You got a life, you got to be human for however long you were alive for. I never got the choice."

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