There was a knock on my door. I didn't know who would be showing up so early in the morning. I was writing a letter, one to Kaname, when the knock happened. I opened the door to see Akatsuki there. My eyes went wide seeing his expression. I knew something bad was happening. This wasn't the first time I've seen this look.
"There's something bad about to happen. Kaname is planning something and I think it's going to make a lot of people mad."
"How many?"
"I think he's going to over throw the vampires."
"He's going back to a Kuran ruling society. A king and queen sort of thing. Damn him." I turned back to Akatsuki. "Are you expecting me to do something about it? Look, I don't like the way society is run right now either. The way Kaname would run it would be so much better. Him and his wife."
"He's using all of us as props for his plan."
I sighed. "I've known that all along. Akatsuki, even im just being used in his plan. He just gave me a little bit better because he still cares for me. I know it's not a good thing, but in a world where vampires exist, things aren't always going to be good. Kaname's plan will be fulfilled soon. I can tell, Yuki's not doing so good. She's been out of it."
"Yuki has to do with this?"
I nodded. "Akatsuki, when it all comes down to it, you trust Kaname too. I can tell that. You trusted Kaname enough to bring me to him, now you need to trust him now too. No matter what he says, he cares about all of you. You're his family. He'll protect you. I know he will. He's doing this so future generations don't have to go through what we went through. This isn't a desecration, this is a Revolution. Hunters are inhumane. Vampires have always dealt with their own kind, just as humans should. Humans might seem to have it good, but they're incredibly dense. Instead of hunting our lower classes, they should be hunting the monsters their own kind create. There's enough of them out there. We crave their blood just as they crave animals, violence, love. We have slight differences, we came from them, and yet, we're much more advanced than them. I love humans, just as one would love an aunt or cousin. We're all one in my eyes, but that's why we take care of our own kind. Thats why we must do bad things."
"Your own brother killed you..."
"He did, and yet, he is still my brother. We still have the same blood. We're still family, despite the bad things. I still am mad at my once husband to be, but he looked after my child and raised her and gave her the life I wasn't given. And then I was given a second chance. We need to trust Kaname will save vampire kind."
He leaned into my door frame. "You're so much different than you used to be. When did you stop being a little girl?"
"Thats life. Don't forget, I'm actually older than you. Bet you never thought I'd say that."
"A pureblood vampire..."
"One of the first." I smiled. "Shouldn't you be at school?"
We walked back to the school together. "Don't you ever just wish you could know what he's thinking?"
"I was the first scientist vampire, and Kaname's always been a mystery to me. I don't think anyone can truly read his mind. He's far too powerful. But he's good. He's just not always doing good in a good way. But trust me, he knows what he's doing. These new age vampires have been so cynical. The vampires in this generation, the younger generation, we're the ones who are going to get things back on track with the help of me and Kaname."
"So, tell me, what was the worst thing you've ever done?"
"Back then, drinking the blood of a pureblood was completely taboo. Even if you were another pureblood. You had to drink the blood of humans if you wanted something... unless you were married. But let's just say, I know the places where they don't check."

Vampire's Assistant
FanfictionSometimes even Vampires and the Elite need assistants, but never forget to not use your power for selfish things