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I grabbed Ruka and pulled her in front of all the vampires close to Kaname. He was standing near by. "Erika, what a pleasure..."

"Let's cut to the chase. If you were to choose between our bloods, who would you chose? Erika blood or Ruka blood?"

"How could I really say when I haven't had any of your blood, Erika."

I put my wrist out. "Then take some! Actually, just take all of it! Drain me dry for all I care! Would my blood taste good to you!"

He held my hand. "What is this about? You know I could never take your blood. Haven't you ever heard of something being too sweet?"

"Is that what it is? It's too sweet? Can I make it less sweet?"

He laughed at me. "Please calm down. I don't need or want any blood right now."

"Then transfer me to the night class! Please, Lord Kaname!"

"You know I can't do that. Not even I have the power to change that. Though I don't know what this is about, I'm becoming worried of you. You know our plan."

"... it's a stupid plan."

"Erika, please don't do this now. Not in front of everyone."

"What makes me so undesirable. You'll know the answer. I thought you were going to be the vampire that changes everything. How could you be so cruel?!"

There was a shout, and the floor cracked. It cracked around me. "There's nothing to be afraid of, Dear Erika. You'll be missing school if you don't leave soon."

"Next time you invite me to some vampire world thing, how about you just forget about it? I was there that day, Kaname. I was there as who I was suppose to be. I wanted to be there too. But I suppose we were the ones pulled away. I thought you'd understand me a bit, but it seems like you don't understand at all. Everything is about Yuki, and I admire that about you, but don't forget, you're not the only one."

"I'm terribly sorry, Erika, for what's happened to you. For losing the only family you've ever known, but I'm trying to protect you. This is what we wanted."

"We... I wouldn't say that's the right word."

Kaname grabbed me, pulling me into a hug. "I've done all I can for you, Erika, but right now I can't do any more. You'll have to continue being yourself and helping me as you have been. I know that you can do this for me. You're strong."

"You truly are cruel, Kaname Kuran. You are really only using me, though that's what you do, isn't it?"

"Tomorrow... we'll have tea. I promise. We'll talk about what's going to happen from now on."

"I understand, Lord Kaname."

He smiled. "Have a good day at school, Little Eri."

I scoffed at him. "It's been a long time since you've called me that. It's good to see that you haven't forgotten."

Getting to class, it was like I could hear every heart beat, but then all of a sudden, there was just one heartbeat. Zero Kiryu. At lunch, he came down to me.

"You missed your duties."

"I was talking to Kaname."

"That's not an excuse. You also skipped out last night."

"I stayed longer than you and Yuki. By the way, here." I handed him something. "This should hold you down a bit longer."

"What is it?"

I looked away. "You ask too many questions. If you want to survive, I suggest you listen without asking questions. Better me than Kaname, right?"

Zero put the bottle into his pocket. "I guess I should thank you."

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