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Akatsuki slid to a stop outside the moon dormitories. I ran to Kaname's room. "Kana! Kana, open the door!"

Ruka scoffed. "Lord Kaname isn't here."

"Where is he?"

"Why should I tell you? You're going to be his wife when Yuki dies anyway. You'll have lots of time with him then."

I looked to her with glowing eyes, and an anger she didn't understand. "Look, I know you love Kaname, but this isn't some stupid love competition. I couldn't care less about love right now. Kaname is in danger."


Akatsuki got up the stairs. "Did you tell him?"

"He's not here, and this little brat won't tell me where he is."

Akatsuki rolled his eyes. "Why not just use your control powers on her!"

"Because I'll go overboard!" I screamed back. My hands moved over my mouth. "I..."

Ruka spoke up. "Wait, is Lord Kaname actually in danger?"

"Yes!" We both shouted at her.

Tears stung her eyes. "I... He's with Yuki Cross again."

"Come on, Eri, let's..."

I collapsed slightly. Ruka was the one who caught me. "What's that smell? It's so... sweet."

Akatsuki grabbed my hand. "What did you do? You don't have blood to spare. You've been weak as it is. You're still gaining your abilities back..."

"I'm fine. Let's... Let's just find Kaname. He's the most important thing right now."

"Are you stupid?!" Akatsuki screamed. "Here, drink."

"No... I can't drink right from you..."

He sighed. "You're going to have to, Eri. If that's even your name anymore. You need to drink with your fangs. I know that it might be hard after what you heard me say..."

I turned to him, grabbing his shirt. "Katsu, if I do, I might drain you dry, and I can't do that. Not to you."

"Well someone needs to tell Lord Kaname what's going on! We can't keep standing here if every moment Lord Kaname could be in danger!"

Akatsuki did something insanely dangerous, and shoved his arm into my mouth. "Ruka, go get Lord Kaname. Tell him Erika is in a lot of trouble. He'll come."

"Anything for Lord Kaname."

She ran off, leaving the two of us. Akatsuki took his arm away. "You need to."

"I can't..." tears streamed down my face. "I'll go out of control."

"I won't let you. I'm not going to let you do that, Eri. Just bite. It'll be okay. I give you my permission to drink my blood."

Fangs came out. I remembered the last time I had done this. I grabbed Akatsuki and dragged him to his room. I didn't want to so publicly drink blood. I bit into his arm, and he winced. I cried as I took in the blood. I got just enough and backed off. There was an awkward silence. I sat in Akatsuki's closet, and he didn't try to speak to me. We both knew how awkward this was. But it was even more so for me. I sat in the closet covered in Akatsuki's blood, crying. This was so wrong. So, so wrong.

The door burst open. "Where is she?!"

The closet opened up. Kaname was standing there. He saw me covered in blood. I grabbed him. "Kana... Kaname..." I was breathing heavy.

"What happened? Where's Aido?"

"He's fine... it's my brother."

"He's dead."

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