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On my way to find Zero, who was recently let out of a dungeon by Kaname because of him becoming a level E vampire, I ran into someone else who seemed to need my help even more. He seemed lost and almost dazed.

"Oh, sorry about that."

"You seem familiar."

"Ichiru Kiryu. Pleased to meet you. And you're the girl who left class early today with your brother Kaname Kuran?"

"I'm Erika, and I was adopted by the Kuran family many years ago. And you're the little one Shizuka Hio turned into a vampire, aren't you?"

"And what if I were?"

"Do you know anything about a Hayato Hio?"

"Never met him. I only cared about Shizuka, but you smell a lot like her."

I looked at him up and down. "Things will not go well for you in the future. You're without a master and your twin brother is dying."

"So you know?"

"I'm a pureblood. That's sort of what we do."

"A pureblood?"

"Look, if you know anything about Hayato Hio, you need to tell me now. Before you die. Because he's the one who got her killed."

I saw his eyes change. "I don't know much about him, other than he's working with someone called Rido. That's it."

"Thanks. I'm sorry for your loss. But if it makes you feel any better, she murdered my family in cold blood too. My own brother tried to kill me once, so please don't be that way with your brother. You only get one chance. Make sure he knows how you honestly feel."

I walked off. Zero was in his room. I let him take blood, but it drained me so much I couldn't stand. I wrapped up the wound, but he was pretty clean about it. He wasn't savage at all.


"Don't worry, Zero. It's almost over. Kaname's plan will come into affect soon, and then you will find your peace too."

He sat down beside me. "You seem upset."

"I am. Akatsuki told me that he loved me and now he loves Ruka, but he still loves me and Hanabusa told me that he loves me but he still loves someone else but he wants to marry me after she dies. And Kaname is just making it so much harder. What should I do?"

"Stop thinking about it. Why does this even matter?"

"I'm a pureblood. I should continue the bloodline."

"You're also someone who has a choice. If you live forever anyway, why rush it? Why choose someone now? Or just kill someone if they're in the way. You have that power. You can kill them or brain wash them or whatever you want. Pureblood vampires have nothing in their way."

"No, Kaname has nothing in his way. I'm not fully back to being a pureblood and Kaname always gets his way. I'm just second choice."

He nodded. "Welcome to the club."

"Reject club. I feel welcome."

"So, who do you belong to?"


"What pureblood clan?"



"My name was Hayami Hio. I was the one who didn't really get into the Hio clan. It was me and my Kuran daughter."

Zero scoffed. "You've had it worse than I thought."

"My own brother killed me."

"Kaname must hate you then."

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