Good Girl

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I grabbed the girl by her wrists just before she ran away. She started to scream, but I silenced her cries by placing my left hand over her mouth. I struggled until the fake cast fell on the ground. I just decided to act as if my arm was broken instead of hopping around with crutches.

I searched the 'parking lot' which was actually not a parking lot at all. It was actually just a huge field with cars parked everywhere. I was surprised to not see anyone around. I was almost certain we would manage to cause a terrible scene.

I felt Kayla's hot breath against my hand as I lifted her onto my shoulders. She was still screaming but the noise was muffled so you could barely here her. I motioned for Marty to open the side door. The door slowly slid open, and I threw her into the back of the van.

"Help!" Kayla screamed as her head collided with the equipment in the back. I watched as Marty immediately duck-taped her mouth and her wrists together. He patted her on the head almost as if telling her to be a good girl.

I rushed to the drivers seat and started the vehicle up. I backed up not waiting for Marty to get seated yet. I drove through the cars, trying to be as quickly as possible. I hit a huge rut causing Marty to fall on the floor.

"Do you not know how to drive,' he shouted as he made his way back to the passenger's seat.

I smirked. I looked in the back to see what Kayla was doing. She was laying face first on the floor, I listened to her soft sobs. I didn't want us to meet like this but it was the only way.



I continued to be drug through the crowd of people. My arm was going numb from the death grip Betty had on me. "Damn, Betty. You don't have to pull me along like a little child; I'm pretty sure I am a big boy now. I stopped wearing my Elmo underwear a long time ago."

She laughed and released my hand. "Sorry, I didn't realize that. So, where's Kayla at? I thought she came here with you?"

I shrugged my shoulders as I continued to walk beside her. "What do you mean you don't know," she questioned. She immediately stopped walking. I stopped too.

"Well, she went to go get a pretzel or something but she hasn't returned back yet."

"How long ago was that," Betty questioned. "About two hours ago," I stated.

She looked at me with a puzzled expression. She folded her arms across her chest. "It doesn't take that long to get a pretzel. Why didn't you tell me she was missing?"

I shrugged my shoulders awkwardly for a second time. "Well I kind of tried, but you were already dragging me here to go see the fight.

Betty started to say something but as soon as she did we were both bright lighted with incoming headlights. I pulled her out of the way to let the van pass. The driver shouted something as he passed, but my mind was somewhere else.

"That was the rude ass man that's always at the diner, wasn't it?" Betty questioned. I nodded, "I guess so I wasn't really paying attention.

"Well lets not just stand around here, lets go find Kayla," Betty stated firmly. I obeyed and walked with her back to the fair grounds.



"Tom, watch out," Marty shouted. I immediately focused my eyes back to the windshield and stomped on the break pedal. I peered my head out of the window, "Next time watch where you're going!'

I eye-balled the two pedestrians. I immediately knew who they were when I saw them. The guy was Kayla's boyfriend and the other was her friend from work. I quickly darted my head back to the right, hoping they wouldn't realize who I was. I was at the diner almost every weekend, or maybe even once or twice through the weekdays.

I was probably just being paranoid. They probably wouldn't even recognize me from the diner. They probably did not know Kayla was even missing just yet.

I finally reached the blacktop pavement. I squeezed my hands tightly on the steering wheel. They were shaking and they always did that when I was nervous. I soon had to pull off on the side of the road I was quivering so badly.

"Tom, I need you to drive the rest of the way home." He grunted as he unbuckled his seat belt. We both switched positions and continued to drive home in silence. The only noises being made was the occasional car passing, and the constant thudding and screaming from Kayla.

I looked out the window and thought of all the things I was going to say to her. I had so much stuff to say to make things right again. But how could I make things right with a girl I just kidnapped, and who hates my guts with a burning passion?

By the time I finally got all the words I was going to say in my head, we arrived at the foot of my driveway. Perfect timing.

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