Slap That

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I lifted myself up reluctantly off of the bed. I wasn't actually thrilled to go downstairs and be in the presence of Jake. He was such a sweet and loving person, while I'm just simply a worthless shrew.

I didn't deserve anyone in my life to make me happy. I should just tell him that I'd be fine, and that he could go back to staying at his place.

Yeah, that sounded like a good idea, so he wouldn't end up being hurt in the long-run. I always managed to make someone upset sooner or later.

I scooted down the wooden stairway as silently as possible. Unfortunately, like every other staircAse, mine had atleast two steps that would squeak extremely loudly even if you just place your pinky toe on them.

As I stepped on the last step it made an awful sound, it almost sounded human like as it groaned from my weight that was suddenly placed on it.

I looked up with wide eyes, secretly hoping that Jake was still some how asleep.

Dang it. He was looking at me with that cheeky grin of his. It was so Adorable. I practically melted right then and there.

I imagined myself screaming, "I'm melting," as I soaked the carpet. I have a very strong and very weird imagination if you can't tell already.

"Shut up Kayla. Don't give into his breathtaking smile. You came down here for a reason, now don't stall, actually do it." The imaginary voice in my head stated sternly.

I brushed the thought out of my mind.

"Good morning beautiful. Did you sleep good?" Jake questioned.

"Good morning," I replied with a smile starting to tug at both corners of my mouth, "erm, I have to talk to you, let's go to the kitchen."

Jake looked at me with a puzzled and sort of worried expression. He raised up from where he was laying and followed close behind me.

He reminded me of a little puppy that follows you everywhere. Not that I'm complaining, I actually enjoyed having the accompany 

I walked to the kitchen table and took a seat. I really had no idea what I was going to say.

"Is something wrong?" He asked with his mouth forming in a straight line.

I paused for a few moments, placing all the random thoughtsin my head into a complete and simple sentence.

"I think you should leave." I finally spoke. That was definitely not the reply I was expecting to come from me. Sometimes my mouth has a mind of it's own.

"What? Why?" He shot back with two short questions. Such simple words that I had no true answers for.

"I just think that maybe if that creeper comes back it would be best if you wasn't around. If he's going to Hurt anybody, I would rather him hurt me than you." I lied.

I wasn't really that worried about the creeper hurting Jake, I was the one that would soon screw everything up and end up hurting him. I just knew it.

He looked at me with a blank expression on his face. His eyes had another story to tell on the other hand. His eyes were filled with anger and hurt. I just didn't know which he was feeling the most of, anger or hurt?

He glared up at me. Yep, he was Definetly more angry than hurt.

He shoved his chair back as he practically lunged up from his seat. He walked out my front door not speaking a word as he slammed it behind him.

I told you I would screw everything up. Someone always ends up leaving upset. Why was I so stupid? Why me?

Tears starting spilling over. They were out of my control, my emotions were getting the best of me. I told myself that I was going to be strong; everything is much more easier saying then actually doing.

"Shit!" I exclaimed as I slapped both hands on the table. "Ouch," I muttered as I glanced down at my now red palms.

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