Goose Egg

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I pulled into the parking lot of the bar and scanned it for an open parking place. The place was crowded, making it hard to find a spot to park. After a few minutes I finally found a place by and old banged up van.

I shut my engine off and pulled the keys out of the ignition. I place them in my left pocket, not wanting anyone to steal my truck. There are alot of thieves in Seattle and it's hard to trust anyone.

I looked out my window into the un-tinted window of the van. A couple was in the front seats making out. I whipped my head away from what I was witnessing and pulled my cellphone from my front pocket.

I clicked on my twitter app. I searched for Betty's profile to make sure her and Kayla were really at the club. After scanning through my list of the people I'm following I finally reached her name.

Betty had recently tweeted, "having a good time at the club, I think Kayla especially is since I can't seem to find her. Aha ;)." I wonder what that could possibly be about, hopefully Kayla hadn't gotten herself into too much trouble.

This confirmed it, they were definitely here. I opened my truck door and slowly walked to the entrance. I was trying to imagine every thing in my head that I wanted to say to Kayla. I didn't want to mess anything up worse than I already had. I always seemed to screw everything up, especially if things in my life were starting to go good.

I reached the door and swiftly made my way through it. The warm air hit me and it felt really soothing. It was pretty chilly outside.

I scanned the room in search for Betty. This was gonna be harder than I expected. The place was overcrowded with a bunch of obnoxious and sweaty people.

I squeezed through the dance floor, trying to not bump into anyone but failing miserably. I felt a hand slap my ass.

"Hey cutie. Want to dance?" A Barbie looking tramp asked. A whiff of beer flooded my nostrils as she inched closer to my face. I retreated back and clumsily bumped into someone.

A scruffy looking guy turned around to face me. His face was unshaved and his left eye was bruised and was a deep shade of purple.. He was extremely tall and had to look down to just look at me. He didn't look too happy to say the least.

"Did you just hit me?" He asked sternly as his teeth clenched together and his jaw tensed.

I held my hands up in defense. I didn't want to cause any trouble; after all I only came here for one thing- one person- Kayla. Now this prick was only trying to act like he was bad and waist my time.

"Does it look like I hit you?!" I shouted over the loud music. I watched as his eyes squinted together. Before I knew it, his fist collided with the right side of my face. I would definitely be feeling that tomorrow morning.

I froze for a second. The pain was slowly fading as it began to numb the side of my face. I then made contact with his nose. I smirked as the blood ran down his mouth. He wiped his mouth on sleeve and looked at his now blood stained jacket.

"You stupid son of a bitch!" He screamed. Before I could react he tackled me to the ground, knocking the breath right out of me.

I wasn't about to let this cocky guy make a fool out of my self. I somehow managed to roll from underneath him. I stuck my knees 

into his gut and began to repeatedly punch him in the face.

I usually don't like to fight, but I have been on the edge all week and everything seemed to piss me off. I heard a annoying girl scream, "FIGHT!!!"

There was now a crowd of people surrounding us. I had no intention of making a scene, but the crowd shouting fight in unison kind of brought a smile to my face.

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