Just a Swingin'

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**JAKES POV********

It has been three heart broken and tear filled days since Kayla got the call from Annie's mom. Kayla has been in her room for three whole days, crying and watching reruns of Spongebobs Squarepants.

I could hear Spongebob's annoying voice all the way downstairs. She had the volume extremely loud, probably to drown her sobs out. We really needed to get out of the house.

I skipped my way upstairs and knocked on Kayla's door. "Can I come in?" I asked. Silence. "Can I please come in?" I questioned a second time. This time I got a reply.

"No, leave me alone you freaking idiot!" She yelled. I ignored her request and barged in. She looked terrible. She must've not brushed her hair the whole three days. It stunk in here too, she probably hasn't showered in three days either. I pinched my nose.

"Get out!" She yelled as she pointed her long finger towards the door. I shook my head no in response, and jumped onto her bed. I was now hovering over top of her. She couldn't get away, I had her arms pinned down by her side.

"What are you doing" She asked with shock.

"it's time...for the tickle monster!" I yelled as I started tickling her everywhere. On her tiny waist, under her cute little chin, her underarms, and all the way down to her feet. She tried to squirm free, but it didn't work.

"Jake. Please. Stop." She hissed between laughs and giggles. I continued tickling her anyway. I loved seeing her cheeky smile. It was beyond adorable.

"Jake, I gotta pee!" She screeched. I laughed and rolled off of her. I watched as she sprinted into the bathroom.

"Get ready, we're getting out of this house! Oh, and get a shower, you stink!" I called as I stepped down the stairway. I heard the sound of running water as I got changed.

I took my shirt off and looked in the mirror. A thin layer of fat was starting to form over my abs, I needed to hit the gym.

I threw my grey, long sleeved American Eagle shirt over my bare torso. I also pulled a pair of holy jeans over my boxer shorts, and my pair of Nike shocks.

I walked into the the living room and waited patiently for Kay to get ready. Thirty minutes later, she finally came down the stairs. She was wearing a oversized, grey hoody with purple writing, a pair of skinny jeans, and her purple converse to match.

Her once frizzy hair, was now tamed and straightened. Also, her face was no longer red and blotchy, it was just pale. The only characteristic that remained the same was her green eyes. They were still filled with sorrow.

"You look cute." I blurted my thoughts out loud. She shrugged her shoulders and a tiny smile started to tug at the corners of her mouth. "I promise." I stated. This time she actually did smile.

I walked over to her and grabbed her by the hand, interlocking our fingers. I wondered if she got that tingly filling that I did, when our hands touched.

"C'mon, let's go cutie," I said as we made our way to my truck. I turned and winked at her. This time she giggled, even showing some teeth, as she smiled.

As I made my way through town, she asked, "where are we going?"

"It's a surprise." I winked. Fifteen minutes later we arrived at our destination. The ice cream parlor. I seen her bright green eyes light up. This was her favorite place.

"Wait here." I mouthed as I walked into the parlor. Surprisingly, I was the only customer. This place was usually crowded.

"Can I take your order?" A rather large lady asked.

I ordered Kay's first, "yeah I would like a double cocoa crisp with extra nuts, and for me I would like a Oreo and fudge browniequake.

"Will that be all?" Questioned the short and chubby woman.

"Yes ma'm," I replied politely. Five minutes later she came out with our orders. They looked so delicious. I managed to make my way back outside with the two desserts in my hands. I handed Kayla hers through her opened window, and hopped into my drivers seat.

"Thanks jake," she mumbled as she began devouring her snack.

"Anytime. Will you do me a favor and hold mine while I drive? And don't eat it." I demanded. She took it from my hands and placed it into her lap. I watched as she tried to sneak a bite of my icecream. Obviously she wasn't being to sneaky. I just ignored her as I pulled into the parking lot of the park.

We continued to eat our icecream as we swing on the swingset. The weather was actually nice today. The sun was shining in the bright blue sky, and there were only a few stray fluffy clouds.

After I finished my icecream, I walked behind Kayla and pushed her on the swing. "Higher Jake, higher" She mimicked in a little kids voice. She laughed at her own joke. I rolled my eyes and continued pushing her.

We laughed and played like little kids forever. We seen who could make it across the monkey bars the fastest, and we raced down the slides. We attempted to play on the seesaw, but that didn't quite work. Every time I got on Kayla would shoot in the air, and her being so light weight couldn't make me go up in the air.

I had a lot of fun; I hoped she had as much fun as I did. "Did you have fun?" I questioned as we piled in the truck. It was dark out now and already 7:30.

"Yes! I had a lot of fun! She exclaimed. A smile spread upon my face. She reached over and gave me a hug and planted a kiss on my cheek. I was now grinning like a shit eating dog.

"What was that for?" I asked.

"No reason," she smiled as she turned and looked out of her window. I smiled the whole way home.

*******TOMS POV*******

I heard the sound of the front door open. I smiled. She was finally home.

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