Fever dreaming

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Izuku was beyond exhausted when his teacher closed the currtains, making the room darker. He really wanted to sleep, but it was so hard to breathe through his clogged nose. His throat was so sore that every breath was painful, And above all, he was freezing under his blanket. It was like someone turned the A/C on 0 c degrees and left him to die. Coughing and sneezing out of the blue every now and then, and you have the perfect recipe for sleeplessness.
He blinked slowly, feeling his eyelids getting heavier by the second, falling to sleep maybe? The sweet sleep he wished for?

Izuku was floating. He was moving through the air under bright blue skies, smiling and laughing. Uraraka was there, and so did Todoroki and Iida. Even Kacchan was floating with him, big smile smeared on his face. "Kacchan!" Izuku called for the boy, and Kacchan waved at him and laughed. But then Izuku saw Toga underneath them waving a small knife and calling his name. Dabi joined her, aiming little fire balls toward the group of floating heroes. Besides Izuku no one seemed to notice the villains below. "Hey, guys?" Izuku called them, but they just kept laughing as they got hit by the blue flames. "Watch out!" he shouted, yet none of his friends seemed to hear. They all fell down, laughing and waving at him, as he tried catching them but he could not stop floating or get down low enough. "No!" Izuku cried, tears falling from his terrified green eyes, watching his beloved friends getting slashed by Toga's knife.

He woke up by someone shaking his shoulder. Opening his eyes, Izuku saw his homeroom teacher's face, a worried look in his eyes. Izuku's eyes had tears streaming from them, mixing with the snot coming out of his oh-so runny nose. He sniffled a bit and wiped his eyes with the sleeve of his hoodie, trying to calm down after his horrible dream. Aizawa was the first of them to speak.
"Was your dream related to the fact that you refuse to admit you're sick?" asked the tired teacher, his hand still on his student's shoulder. "I'm not sick" whispered the boy, cringing by his own raspy, sickly voice. "Oh right, I forgot. You're perfectly healthy, my bad" said Aizawa, eyeing the shivering kid. "Are you cold?" asked the teacher, and Izuku nodded weakly. A loud sneeze was added for good measure, emphasizing the boy was cold. "Let's take your temperature, so you can prove me you're not sick at all" said Aizawa, handing the kid a digital thermometer.

Izuku sighed and put the thermometer in his mouth, dozing a bit until it beeped. "39.8, you're burning up problem child" said the teacher in a stern voice, handing Izuku a pill and a glass of water. A coughing fit stopped Izuku from glaring at his teacher (and as of this morning his care taker). The wet coughs felt absolutely awful, making Izuku almost sorry for waking up. The pill was shoved into his mouth as he gasped for air, and the glass of water attached to his lower lip immediately. Aizawa had good reflexes, and they were used again as Izuku felt nausea rise within him and started gagging. The teacher put the little trash can that was at the corner of the room in the boy's hands just in time, before all the water and tea he drank today flooded outside of him, taking the medicine out with them.

Trembling more violently than before, Izuku closed his eyes trying to push the tears back, but to no avail. He felt worse than earlier, nausea and pain swirling inside him. Aizawa rubbed his back in circles with one hand, holding his hair back with the other. When the nausea calmed a little, the boy lifted his head from the trash can and searched for a tissue to clean himself. He could barely see anything through the tears in his eyes, but his teacher knew what he was looking for and shoved a tissue in his hand. "Thanks" whispered the greenette, shutting his eyes closed once more. He was embarrassed being seen like this by his homeroom teacher. "You're welcome" said the teacher quietly, still rubbing his back.

Some more sneezes afterwards, Izuku was sleepy again and wished to be left alone to sleep. Aizawa stood up, lifting the trash can from Izuku's bed. He wanted to clean that stinky thing before the kid's stomach will rise against him once more. The teacher left the room, leaving the door slightly opened in case problem child will cause, um, problems. It was almost 8 AM, none of the other students should be in the dorms anyway. Well, they should not be there, but it doesn't mean they can't be there.
Todoroki sneaked in through the opened door. He saw Midoriya dozing off, not very awake but still not asleep. "How do you feel?" the taller boy asked, startling the shorter, sick one. "Huh?" Izuku responded with confusion, followed by a painful sounding cough. Shouto's heart clenched when he saw those eyes that used to be always so bright but at the moment completely dead. "I'm fine, totally fine..." said Izuku, sniffling and rubbing his tired looking eyes. "How are you, Todoroki-kun?".
Shouto was too surprised to even answer. Why would the sick Midoriya ask him for his wellbeing in a situation like that?

"I'm sorry I couldn't save you..." Midoriya was crying all of a sudden. Shouto was completely lost by now, confused by this whole conversation. "Save me from what?". "From the villains!" Midoriya cried, "all of you! If only I knew how to stop the floating, the villains wouldn't capture you or hurt you!". Shouto didn't know what to do about the sobbing Midoriya. He didn't want to get caught by his sensei, but he couldn't just leave the poor thing like that. And even if he had the time to calm Midoriya down, how would he even try to do it?
"It's okay, it's not your fault" he said, his hand on the shorter boy's shoulder. "We were supposed to defend ourselves". "But you didn't see Dabi and Toga, even after the flames hit you. Only I was able to protect you, and I failed..."
Shouto knew he had to go NOW. He left the crying kid and fled out of the door and ran to school. When Aizawa returned to the room, he was very confused to see Midoriya so riled up. "You okay kid?" he asked in an anxious voice. "I couldn't save them" the boy wept. All Aizawa could do was hug him.

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