The mere name of the man

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"You okay, kid?" Aizawa asked, since Bakugo looked as if he'd seen a ghost. "Was old man Hisashi here? Did he do anything to Deku?" Asked the blonde. The secret around Midoriya's personal life just became more mysterious.
"No, he wasn't here. Care to explain what is the deal with Midoriya's father?" Aizawa asked carefully. Bakugo gulped, his legs trembling. The teacher sat him down on the edge of the bed, and the kid started talking.
"I don't remember much, and I think Deku doesn't remember anything on purpose..." the blonde took a shaking breath and continued. "I remember my mom always insisted Izuku will come play at our house, and never allowed me to come over to his house. I think she was afraid of his father. Deku was definitely afraid of his father, he never wanted to return home to him, always asked his mom that the both of them will stay with us. Eventually, auntie Inko kicked him out, I don't really know any of the details, we were really young. It was even before they knew Deku was quirkless... I don't think they even got divorced. She just sent him away, and he never came back after that, as far as I know..."

Aizawa had no idea. It's true that parents are not forced to give any personal details as such to the school, but still... Mrs. Midoriya, the sweet woman that she is, had to kick her husband out for something that he did to her son, and wouldn't even inform the school? If the man abused his kid, if he was dangerous to be around, if the school faculty might be required to protect Midoriya from his father... Aizawa believed they had to know such a thing.
It reflected a lot about the kid, too. His entire being was a mirror of his early childhood. He's gentle like his mother, willing to protect anyone, and especially young children... the look he had in his eyes when he realized what Eri was going through, as if he knew what it's like...
Shouta decided they will definitely have a talk when problem child feels better. He must help this boy, or else he will be consumed by his past experiences.

"Bakugo, do you need some time alone?" Aizawa asked, noticing the tremor in the blonde's shoulders. If he's so shook by the mere name of the man, Shouta could only guess what it was like spending time next to him as a kid.
"N-no, I'm okay... how is the nerd? Is he asleep right now?" Bakugo spoke slowly, his voice as calm as can be. He won't let the teacher get any more information from him tonight.
Aizawa checked Midoriya. He was fast asleep, wheezing and shivering in his bed. The thermometer confirmed the kid had a high fever, although the fact he was hallucinating his father should have been enough to inform him of that.
"Is anyone making him dinner?" Aizawa asked Bakugo, who was still sitting on the edge of the bed, staring at the wall. "I... I don't know" he mumbled. The teacher sent him downstairs to figure it out, and sat on the bed next to the greenette.

A knock on the door, about 10 minutes after Bakugo left the room, made Aizawa jump. "Come in" he said, relaxing again as he saw Uraraka and Todoroki come in with a tray. "We thought he might be hungry" said the girl, blush gracing her face. "I will wake him up, please wait outside for a moment until I call you in".
Confused, both teens left the room and waited for their homeroom teacher to call for them. "What do you think happened, Todo-kun? I saw Bakugo walking like a zombie in the kitchen, you think something is wrong with Deku?" Uraraka whispered to her friend. "Most likely, yes" he responded, a distant look in his eyes.
Todoroki had seen that look Bakugo had in his eyes before. He saw it in his own eyes, many years ago. The eyes of a terrified kid. What ever happened in this room, it was related to an experience Todoroki shares with the blonde.

The door opened and Aizawa called them in. Midoriya was sitting in bed, rubbing at his eyes. "Hey Deku kun, how did you sleep?" Uraraka whispered softly, as to not startle the shivering teen.
"Hey guys... what are you doing here?" Izuku asked, still sleepy. His chest hurt, and he wanted to go back to sleep, but sensei told him he must eat and take his medicine before he's allowed to lay his head again.
"Midoriya, are you okay?" Todoroki asked, placing his hand on Izuku's shoulder. His mismatching eyes glowed in the dim light. Izuku didn't understand the question. He was sick, after all, just as he was for the past few days.
"I don't feel so good" he rasped, coughing into his hand, away from Todoroki's worried gaze. "Nothing has changed..."

"Sensei, how did you..." Midoriya started talking, staring at his teacher all of a sudden, terrified. "How did you win against my father?" Aizawa stared back, worried. It seemed the kid could not distinguish between reality and delirium, which was a bad sign for his health.
"Your father wasn't here, Midoriya. It was just a dream-" Shouta began explaining, but problem child didn't listen. "He was here, I saw him! And he did something to Kacchan, and to you! He knew things..." tears were streaming down the kid's cheeks when he whispered that last part.
"Sensei, was Midoriya's father here?" Todoroki asked, curiously. "No, it was a hallucination. Kid, just eat and go back to sleep, your fever is-" Shouta could not finish his sentence. "NO!" Midoriya yelled. "This man is dangerous, we can't just let him roam this place undetected!"

Aizawa was at a loss. Midoriya was not lucid enough to understand that his father wasn't there before, and it made him agitated. If the kid was usually stubborn, right now his stubborness was on a whole other level.
"Okay, let's make a deal. I will go look for your father while you eat and rest, okay?" Shouta suggested, noticing the shift in the expression on the face of Midoriya, as he thought his plan through. He seemed exhausted, and the teacher hoped it would work in his favor. Maybe problem child will incline to agree, in order for him to rest?
"Okay, but with one condition: Kacchan comes here. My father might look for him as well, and I want to protect him".
Problem. Bakugo was mentally unstable ever since he remembered Midoriya's father. He might not be up to par right now.

"I'll go bring him, you start eating in the mean time" Aizawa said, grabbing Todoroki and dragging him toward the door.
Outside of Midoriya's room, the teacher turned to Todoroki. "Keep an eye on him, and text me when he's finished and fell asleep. I'm going to rest for now"

'This is gonna be another long night...'

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