I'm scared

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Katsuki was restless in his room. That damned nerd, he has the audacity to lie about his illness. Deku needs to grow a pair and say no to that... shit squad of his. And that f*cking class rep should be more responsible, that dumbass nerd and his puppy eyes won't fool anyone with a f*cking brain.
Not that Katsuki cared about the shitty nerd, screw him. But, he wished he would have prevented Deku from neglecting his health like that. No, it's not just that. He wished he didn't cause it in the first place.
Yes, Katsuki Bakugo felt guilty. It was him that drilled it into Deku's head that he is weak, that he is sick, that he is useless. And Deku believes it to this day, he tries to prove himself to his 'Kacchan' in every possible way. He risks his life day in and day out just so he could be useful.
Katsuki realized now that his old plan had backfired on him. It's not just that Deku decided to become a hero no matter what, he will also hide every weakness he has, won't ask for help from anyone, even if it's just the little favor of letting him rest in his room until he recovers.
"Shit, Deku. You're a f*cking dumbass".

Katsuki decided to pay his childhood friend a visit. He couldn't go back to sleep anyway, not after listening to that pathetic sniffling the dumbass had performed. Deku was seriously sick, and Katsuki couldn't help but worry.
He knocked on the door, it was around 3 AM, and he debated wether or not to shout Deku to awakeness. The shuffling noise from inside the room signaled the nerd heard the knock.
The door opened, and the blonde saw one very sick Deku in front of him. The dumbass was way too pale, his eyes half lidded and bloodshot, his red nose dripping... and that was just his face! What about that shakiness in which he was clutching at the door for dear life?

"Oi, Deku, you look like shit". The smaller boy only nodded. Katsuki pushed through him with ease and entered the room, but stopped in his tracks when he heard the loud thud.
He turned around and saw Deku, knees on the floor, one hand on his mouth and the other still sliding off the opened door. "Hey! What the f*ck?"
Deku's eyes were wide open now, the panic clear in them. Katsuki grabbed his classmate by the shoulders and hoisted him up, leading him towards the common washroom. That was a good call, since the moment they arrived inside a bathroom stall the nerd started gagging, falling next to the opened toilet.
Katsuki waited patiently until Deku finished throwing up, and then offered him a wet paper towel to clean his face.

"Shit, why are you still that sick? You've already been twice to the infirmary, but you keep getting worse when you come back here..." the blonde was muttering.
Izuku tugged at Kacchan's sleeve, his silent request to go back to bed. "What? Take you back to your room? F*cking dumbass, can't you even lift yourself up from the floor?". Izuku shook his head, tears in his eyes. He tried, but his legs won't push him up. His body was so heavy and weak...
Katsuki noticed the shiver in Deku's shoulders, and the red splashes on his cheeks. His fever must have rose again after his late night adventures with the extras. The blonde pressed his hand to the nerd's forehead and hissed.
"Oi Deku, you're burning again! Damn right I'm taking you back, I'm shocked you're even f*cking awake!"

Izuku was so happy to meet with his bed again. He curled into a ball immediately after Kacchan sat him on his mattress, receiving a grunt from said Kacchan. "Take a nap" said Katsuki, covering the smaller boy with a blanket. Deku smiled at him, glossy eyed. He moved his lips, nothing but a deep groan was heard.
"Don't speak dumbass, just rest up and stop playing around". Deku kept smiling, melting Katsuki's anger. "Did you take something for your fever?" he asked, getting a sigh in response.
"Answer me more clearly, shit head". Deku shook his head, coughing softly. "No wonder you don't get better".
Katsuki looked around in search for medicine, not finding any on the night stand or table. "Do you even have any medicine here?". When he turned to look at him the nerd was already asleep again.
'Come on, Deku! I can't just leave you like that!'

It took every ounce of Katsuki's patience to keep calm and not explode the nerd's bed with him still in it. What was he supposed to do? Go back to his room and pretend he didn't see the shit state Deku was in? Or maybe call one of his incompetent friends?
No. He will stay here and search for medicine. Next place to check in is the first aid cabinet in the washroom. When he's at it, he should probably check the dweeb's temperature.
Katsuki started digging in Deku's drawers, cringing by the invasion to his former friend's privacy. He found nothing useful, so he left the room and went searching in the washroom.

It was almost 4 AM when he came back with some pills and a bottle of water, only to find a coughing lump in the bed. Deku was gasping for air, barely aware of Katsuki's presence. It frightened the blonde.
He grabbed the coughing teen and sat him, clearing a path for oxygen to enter his airways. The nerd was slowly calming down, his coughs more sparse and gentle than a few minutes ago.
"Oi dumbass, are you breathing? I've brought you some medicine, you desperately need it". Deku was shallow breathing, clasping at his chest with a scarred and shaky hand. Katsuki didn't like the way the greenette wheezed painfully, grimacing. Sweat covered Deku's face and he was trembling.

"Deku, can you hear me? Hey! De- Izuku! F*ck!" Katsuki tensed as the short teen slumped in his arms, unconciously sliding down, burning with fever and barely breathing. He didn't response to his given name as well, leaving the blonde anxious.
'Aizawa, call Aizawa now! You don't have the ability to help him in this state! Call for help immediately' the thoughts ran through his head, but Katsuki couldn't bring himself to let go of Deku's shivering body and pick his phone.
Should he scream for help? Why won't he just call someone? Why can't he do that one simple thing??

Footsteps were heard from the corridor, becoming louder and more frequent. Todoroki showed in the door frame, fear in his eyes.
"I- I saw the opened door... I heard shouts coming from Midoriya's room, and saw the door opened, and... Is he okay? Is he dead?!"
"He might die if we leave him like that! Come help me!" Katsuki called for the young hero to come hold Deku and cool him with his ice while he calls their teacher.
Todoroki acted calmly, holding his best friend's body, pressing a frozen palm to the back of his neck.

"Sensei, it's Deku. I... I'm scared".

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