What pushed the kid

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Aizawa didn't know what to do. He had a very sick (and quite heavy) student in his hands, standing at the emergancy room, but they wouldn't let him in. His mind spirled and he couldn't decide on a course of action. Is Midoriya going to die because of quirk discrimination?
Yagi was the first one to move. He grabbed the black haired teacher by the shoulder and pulled him back toward the parking lot. 'We will go to Recovery girl, that's what I always did' Yagi resoluted.

In the car on the drive back Midoriya was breathing heavy and sporadic breaths. The homeroom teacher tried to stay calm, moving his fingers through the sweaty mop of green hair, rubbing the kid's shoulder when he trembled. Aizawa was never so concerned for Midoriya as he was now.
When they reached the UA high area, the kid stopped moving. The tremor that went through his body since this morning had ceased completely. That meant trouble.
The teacher held the boy's wrist to check his pulse, which was slow and weak. "We need to get him to the infirmary ASAP, his pulse is almost gone!" he shouted to Yagi. Aizawa never knew that Yagi's car could reach the speed of light before, Toshinori never had such a long minute in his life.

The kid was still breathing when they entered the infirmary, bur barely. His body was limp in his teacher's hands.
Recovery girl was ready to leave for the night when she saw them at the door. Her eyes immediately shot to Midoriya, which looked almost dead, carried by his teacher.
"Put him here" she pointed at the bed and ran to fetch a stool. "Shouldn't you take him to the hospital?"
"Quirk discrimination" muttered Aizawa, "he's not registered yet in this hospital, and they won't treat quirkless people". "Oh..." said the woman. "Well, all we can do now is treat him the best we can here. Tell me the news while I check his vitals". Recovery girl checked his saturation, temperature, pulse and more.
"He didn't eat at all today, your apprentice gave him two injections but his fever kept rising, he had three seizures... Was it three All Might?" Aizawa was so tired and confused by now. And angry, he was really angry. He continued. "The kid can't hold anything down, even a sip of tea sent him gagging, so no oral medicine was given as well... But he had an IV so he should not be dehydrated at least".

Recovery girl was calm as she worked, getting Midoriya another IV and injecting medication. "Leave him here for the night, I'll take care of him". Izuku's breaths got more frequent, and it seemed he's already getting better, so Aizawa nodded and held to Yagi's shoulder, but the latter didn't move. Toshinori didn't want to leave his successor's side at a time like this. He remembered he never got to call Mrs Midoriya regarding the hospital trip they had, so he thought that the least he could do is call her to let her know that her son is in the infirmary.

"Did he call his mother today?" the blonde teacher asked the black haired one. "What?" Aizawa asked, "his mother, did the kid call his mother this morning when you were with him?" Toshinori was irritated by now. "No, why?". "We need to call her to let her know he's sick, she's probably worried for him by now. They talk every day" Toshinori explained in a stern voice.
'Every day? The kid must be really close with his mother' thought Aizawa as he went out of the room and toward the teachers' office to make the call from there. "Are you coming to the office?" he called back to Yagi, hoping he will help him with the lady once again as he did when they had to come and convince her to send her son to the dorms. "Yeah..." muttered the blonde, looking back at the boy on the bed.
"Go, I promise I won't let him die, he is your favorite after all" Recovery girl shooed him away.

"He really is your favorite, isn't he? The problem child I mean" said Aizawa as they walked slowly to their office. "Why does everybody keep saying this? I like all of my students, and I want the best for them all" Yagi was frustrated. "But you like him more, it's obvious".
"What makes it seem like that?" Tosinori pushed the other man. "You are very close to him, and I know you have been guiding him for quite some time. Is it because his main quirk resembles yours?" Aizawa asked, curiosity in his voice. "No, I adore the kid for his heart. He has the heart of a true hero."

Yagi couldn't stop the words now. "I lied to you about not knowing he was quirkless. In fact, I met both young Midoriya and young Bakugo when they were in middle school, when Midoriya was still quirkless. I saved him from a villain and then we had a very gloom conversation regarding his dream of being a hero" a tear fell on Tosinori's cheek, but he continued talking.
"I told him he could not be a hero without a quirk, and I could see in his eyes it broke him. Later that day, young Bakugo was attacked by the very same villain, and no hero came to his rescue. I was depleted by then, and you know who was the only person that ran to Bakugo's aid? Young Midoriya, that's who". There was a sparkle in Toshinori's eyes now.
"The quirkless, weak boy ran to his bully's rescue. He motivated me to surpass my limits right then and there, and at that moment I changed my mind. I told him that he could be a hero." Yagi was moved by his own speech. Aizawa was internally face palming as he had realized what pushed Midoriya to break himself all the time just to help whoever needed him.

"And how did his quirk manifested?" damn curiosity rised again. The homeroom teacher was never that curious before. "I'm not s-sure, it just did... Maybe it was dormant inside of him and that experience with the villain awakened his quirk factor?" Yagi chuckled nervously. "Mmm, maybe" Aizawa was not convinced, but it didn't matter. They have arrived the office. It was time to call Mrs Midoriya.

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