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Aizawa called Mrs Midoriya right after the visit he paid to her son. He explained that the kid is much better on the phone, and calmed her down. She still wanted to come pick Izuku from school and take him home, but his teacher thought that the kid should stay in the dorms.
They finished the talk with Aizawa promising to call again during lunch break with updates. The teacher had about 30 minutes before homeroom starts, so he made himself another cup of coffee. He saw Yagi come through the door and into the office, black bags under his eyes.
"Morning" mumbled the blonde. "Did you even sleep? You look more tired than me" Aizawa greeted back. "Not so much, I guess I was worried" answered Toshinori. He grabbed some coffee as well.
"How is he?" asked the blonde. "Better, he will be okay" responded the black haired one. 'Not his favorite, my ass'.

It was 8 AM when Aizawa entered the class room. The entire class quieted at once. Iida raised his hand.
"Good morning class. Yes Iida, how can I help you?". "Good morning sensei! How is Midoriya? He wasn't in his room this morning!" Iida said with his robotic hand gestures.
"Midoriya is in the infirmary, he will go
back to the dorms at noon. I ask again, please don't come to visit him, we don't want you to catch an illness" answered the teacher angrily.
"Yessir" called Iida. The rest of the lesson went as usual.

When Izuku woke up again the clock was set on 9:30. He coughed, his strained throat crying for help. From the corner of his eye Izuku saw Recovery girl approaching his bed.
"Hey Midoriya, how are you? Do you want to eat?" asked the elderly woman. Even the thought of food made Izuku's stomach flip, in a bad way. "Not hungry" he said, trying to sit up. "Haaa-choo!" that caught him unprepared, snot flying around. The boy sighed, rubbing his itchy nose before sneezing again, this time in his palm. He was sick of being... sick?
Recovery girl handed him the tissue box, making a face at the amount of greenish snot stuck to his palm as he reached for a tissue.

"Sorry" mumbled Izuku. It was as if his nose refused to let in anything, including oxygen. He gave up on trying, resorting to mouth breathing once more. "If you won't eat anything I will have to feed you in an unpleasant method, so think again about that 'not hungry' mentality." What was this unpleasant method?
"I'm not sure I can keep the food down" he muttered, covering his face with a tissue, ready for another loud sneeze. His treacherous nose was itching, triggering a chain of sneezes. God damn it.
"At least try, kiddo. I will ask someone to bring you some soup and tea, okay?" Recovery girl ruffled his hair before leaving his bed side to make the call for food. Izuku closed his eyes once more.

Someone woke him up by shaking his shoulder. When Izuku opened his eyes he saw Uraraka's face smiling at him.
"Deku kun, hey" she said quietly, as to not startle him. "Hey..." he said tiredly.
She helped him sit in the bed, positioning his pillow to support his back. Izuku coughed into his palm, turning his head to the other direction. He didn't want to get Uraraka sick as well.
The brunette put her hand on his shoulder, squeezing it as a sign of comforting. When he turned back to look at her he saw the sad face she was making. "How do you feel, Deku kun?" she asked, looking straight into his eyes.
Uraraka had the most warm and sweet brown eyes. Izuku needed some time to collect his thoughts after looking into her eyes like that.
"I'm f-fine" he finally responded, voice cracking mid-word.

Uraraka giggled. "Aizawa said you will probably lie and say you're fine. You don't need to lie to me, Deku. I'm your friend, you can tell me anything. So, how do you really feel?"
"Better than before, I guess" the green haired boy answered, looking down. A soft hand suddenly pressed against his forehead, making him flinch.
"Sorry, I just wanted to know if you still had a fever, didn't want to make you uncomfortable" Ochako bit her bottom lip in remorse. "Deku, your fever is still high. You should eat something and go back to sleep" she added, looking down at her feet.
"I'm really not hungry" said Izuku. "I've brought you food, though, so will you at least try to eat? You didn't eat at all since the day before yesterday" she pleaded, handing him a little bowl with warm soup in it. She held the soup underneath his face. The fumes tickled his nose, making him sneeze again. He sighed and turned away from the girl, embarrassed.

"Deku kun..." Ochako's voice was laced with pity. Izuku wiped his nose, and then took the bowl with a trembling hand. He smiled at her, bringing the soup to his mouth. He sipped some before lowering the bowl again.
"I'm sure it tastes great" he chuckled, sniffling a little. The boy was really not hungry, and even the slightest sip he took felt like it was too much.
"I think I'll go back to sleep now" he added, giving the bowl back to the lovely girl.
Urarake hugged him instead and whispered "I hope you feel better soon, Deku kun". How can he sleep when he's that excited?
Ochako left the soup and a cup of tea at the bedside table and went back to class. Izuku closed his eyes, feeling his heart beat fast. It took him a lot of time to fall asleep after that.

The next time he opened his eyes it was already noon, and he heard people talking around him. He saw Uraraka again, accompannied by Todoroki and Iida. "Hey..." Izuku rasped quietly, waving a hand at them. All three immediately pushed against each other to look at him.
"Midoriya kun! How are you?" Iida was very excited to see his friend awake. "Don't shout, I bet his head still hurts" Shouto tried to shush Tenya. "Deku kun, you didn't eat at all" Ochako was disappointed. Izuku laughed, but his laugh became a cough, and the cough was rather painful. His friends seemed very concerned.
"I'm fine, I am... Still tired though". Izuku knew he had to go to the dorms soon, but he didn't know how he would do it. He was afraid to even step off the bed.

"We came to help you go to your room" Iida declared. Izuku smiled at him, "thanks, guys..."
They helped him out of bed, Uraraka making him weightless and his two other friends holding both of his shoulders so that he wouldn't float. They moved slowly since the green haired boy complained about nausea right off the bat, the world spinning around him. Recovery girl said his fever got much better, but he still felt gross.
They have arrived at the dorms and went up straight to Izuku's room. He was barely concious, breathing heavily and shivering so much, Uraraka suspected his fever might have spiked again. Iida and Todoroki put him in his bed and she released her quirk, relieved after the burden of using it for so long.

Izuku felt really bad. He opened one eye and saw his friends still in his room. Todoroki was just putting some ice in a sock, handing it to Iida who placed it on the short boy's forehead. The coldness relieved some of the throbbing in his head, calming him.
"Hiiii" he said slowly, coughing at the same time. Uraraka shoved a thermometer in his mouth as soon as he stopped coughing. "39.2 c, your fever won't let go Deku kun" she whined. Izuku chuckled and said "but I feel much much better, thanks to you".

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