To be precise

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It was that moment that Gin felt he needed to move. He didn't know what had happened to Toga, but she didn't come to the meeting place they had decided on beforehand.
Gin cared about all of his friends at the League, but Toga was something else. Toga understood him like no other, and accepted him the most. The rest of the gang teased him here and there, but not Toga. He probably cared for Toga more than he cared for himself. He probably loved Toga.
So of course, when it came to Toga, Gin will do everything in his power to help her. The problem was he didn't know where she was. He sent a clone of that dumb girl from 1-A, Uraraka, to sniff around the dorms, together with that uptight loud boy, Iida.

In the meantime, Gin started to search for Toga around the rendezvous area. If she were to get into trouble he ought to find her and save her, as her good friend.
Twenty minutes passed, and he still had no clue where Toga was. Gin was concerned, and he could not decide wether he should prioritize the mission over his dear friend, or not. While searching for Toga he also sent another clone to the point between Midoriya's dorms and his meeting spot with Toga, the point he knew his double, or Toga, must pass through on their way with the sick boy.

After some more searching, Gin heard a distant voice, a familiar voice. He was sure it was Toga, calling for him. He ran toward that voice, ditching the mission to capture Midoriya in a heartbeat. Well, he wasn't exactly ditching it, more like tossing it aside for his doubles to take care of while he carried the most important part of them all- getting Toga to safety.
The voice was getting louder and clearer. It was definitely Toga's voice, and Gin could swear he also heard his name being shouted. He got closer and saw Toga naked, seated on the ground and held by a weird rope. She wasn't alone, someone was laying on the ground beside her, and another one was standing, holding the end of the rope that capture Gin's dear friend.
Toga was shouting for him to go away. Why? Why was she sending him away when she clearly needed help?

And then it hit him. The man standing next to her was Aizawa, the hero Shigaraki respected. This man was sharp, he was clever, and he really hindered their efforts of taking Midoriya all the time because he insisted on watching him.
Aizawa being there meant something was wrong. Toga was trying to keep Gin safe, but he couldn't just leave her like that! If only he could get closer and send some doubles to beat Aizawa and the other one... but he soon felt something hitting him. Something small and fast passed through his leg, and another one followed, passing through his right shoulder. A bullet, maybe. It was a trap indeed...

Toshinori ran, and ran, and ran. He ran to the specific direction from which he felt the aura of One For All. The blonde was getting closer when a thought crossed his mind, an awful thought. For all he knew, young Midoriya might not be the one to produce this strong aura... for all Toshinori knew, Izuku could be in grave danger.
He wasn't completely wrong, honestly. It just so happened that young Midoriya was laying on the ground in a puddle of vomit, shivering. And it just so happened that someone else was approaching him from a different direction as Toshinori was.
"Identify yourself!" Shouted Toshinori to the approaching kid. The kid stopped in his tracks, face hidden in the shadow of a tree.

Toshinori reached young Midoriya, searching for his face. The boy was unconscious but alive. The kid in the shadows didn't move.
"Who are you, young student?" Toshinori tried again, his thoughts running fast. It could be a student, or it could be a double sent to get young Midoriya. Either way, the boy needed to get to the infirmary as soon as possible.
The unknown kid didn't answer. Instead, he shifted in his place, and then started walking out of the shadow he had been hiding under. The kid looked like young Aoyama. Perfect.

Toshinori played dumb, pretending he didn't know it was a double. "Young Aoyama, good. Come here and help me. Quick!"
The intel they had on the members of the League of Villains was helpful enough when it came to the villain Twice. The former pro hero knew he only had to break the double's arm in order to make it disappear.
The double took a hesitant step before picking up the pace, and eventually sprinting toward Toshinori and his successor.
When Aoyama's double was close enough, Toshinori let go of young Midoriya and jumped at him, knocking him to the ground. The teacher held the kid's hand, and with a tear in his eye he snapped the bone, producing a horrible sound. The double dissipated quickly after that. "Sorry" muttered the former hero.

Toshinori picked young Midoriya off the ground and carried him to the school's infirmary. The boy felt so small and fragile in his hands. He really did lose weight during his time of sickness.

Izuku woke up to the dull pain of a headache. He opened his eyes slowly, cringing at the brightness around him. He was laying on a white bed in a white, familiar room. Recovery Girl's office, to be precise.
"Oh good, you're awake" RG's voice was heard, loud and clear. Izuku glanced at the small elderly woman wadding towards him.
"Hey..." he tried speaking but his throat felt like it was made out of sand paper. Izuku's hand was sent straight to his throat, a grimace on his face. "Don't speak, dear. Try and rest some more, you need to recover" the woman answered. Izuku wanted to ask what happened, but at the moment he opened his mouth again to speak, a sneeze sneaked up on him.
"Bless you". That was when Izuku remembered the last few days. It all came back to him at once. He was sick for far too long, not getting better, and then... was he kidnapped? It certainly felt like that.

Blowing his dripping nose, Izuku listened to Recovery Girl explaining to him he'd been at the infirmary for almost two days, getting his body cleaned from the toxins he'd been given by the villains for more than a week.
The greenette felt gross, his body aching, his lungs burning still with every breath, but he felt better than he'd felt for a long time now. This was just sad.
A knock on the door dragged his attention. Aizawa sensei opened the door, staring at him when their eyes met. "Midoriya, you're awake" the suprise in his voice was obvious. Izuku nodded slowly, wishing to avoid any dizziness or nausea. Maybe it was the motion, or the tissue pressed to his nostrils, but something triggered a tiring sneezing fit out of him.

"Heh... heTSHEWWW! HETCHH!" Izuku gasped for air between sneezes, not even bothering to cover his nose with the bundle of used tissues in his hand. It was all wet anyway, and he was pretty sure he wasn't too contagious. Aizawa seemed grossed out, but an important talk was innevitable so he stayed there, sending the worried Recovery Girl out to gain some privacy.
Izuku listened to his sensei as he explained everything that happened, including Twice and Toga's capture.

"And regarding Midoriya Hisashi..." Shouta started, watching as the kid's eyes opened wide. "He was kept in one of the League's underground appartments. We found him using Shinsou's brain washing on the captured villains. We have enough evidence to send him to jail for quite some time".
"H-how come?" Midoriya rasped, horror written all over his face. "You can thank Bakugo for that, kiddo. He came forth and gave us a lot of information regarding your monstrous father. Besides that, I wish you could also explain to me some of the information Bakugo gave me on you..."
"No... you don't understand, he m-might come and try to hurt my mother!" Midoriya exclaimed. "Midoriya, rest assured, we won't let that happen. Okay?"

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