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It was a hell of a night for the teacher and student. Izuku's fever was fluctuating and he couldn't sleep. He tossed and turned in his bed, fever dreaming and waking, falling asleep again and coughing himself awake... He felt like shit.
Aizawa couldn't sleep as well, not when sitting in that little chair and watching the kid suffering. He kept track of Midoriya's fever in great concern, changing the wet cloth frequently. The problem child was burning, and his teacher didn't know what to do anymore. Recovery girl will be available only when morning comes, so he had the pleasure of taking care of Midoriya by himself.
When Izuku woke up again crying, the black haired man sat next to him on the bed and put his hand on the kid's fiery shoulder. The greenette looked at him through glassy eyes, sniffling. "It's okay, kid. You're okay. It was just a dream" said the tired man, yawning. He was so tired...

"Ss-s-sorry" came the weak whisper from the sick boy. Izuku felt guilty for burdening his teacher like that. Aizawa glared at his problem child.
"What are you sorry about?" asked the teacher. "Bu... *cough* burden..." he barely managed to whisper, his voice gruff. "It's okay" smiled the teacher, ruffling the green mess of hair.
"Go to sleep, kid. We both need some rest". Izuku nodded slowly, wheezing through sore throat and congested nose. It was hard to breathe.
Aizawa went downstairs and brought some water for him, which the boy took with a grateful face and a shaking hand.

It was around 6 AM when Izuku's stubborn fever finally went down a little, enough to allow him to sleep peacefully. Aizawa was napping on the edge of the bed, back leaned on the wall. At 7, though, the corridor became noisy enough to wake the exhausted man. He glanced at the sleeping teen, curled around himself and draped in a mess of blankets. He then glanced at the clock and sighed. He really wanted to go back to his own dorm and sleep through the entire day. 'At least it's already Friday, which means tomorrow Midoriya's classmates could keep an eye on him while I rest'.
So the teacher got up, stretched a little, debating wether or no to wait until the noisy teens will leave the dorms to go down and grab a coffee and maybe a quick breakfast.

The noise got suddenly louder, and Shouta could hear distinct voices arguing, one was rough and resembled growls while the other more gentle and cold. The voices got closer and closer to the room's door, until it opened.
An angry blonde looked at his homeroom teacher in lack of surprise, yet a pink mess of red and white hair strands still unaware of Aizawa's presence.
"What do you want?" Shouta asked sternly. Todoroki's face expression froze (more than usual) upon hearing him.
"How is he? The sitty nerd, is he better?" Bakugo growled. "No" answered the teacher. "What do you mean? Is he dying?" Todoroki asked, his eyes opened a little wider. "Of course not, stupid Icyhot! He's just sick, not on his deathbed" the ash blonde looked ready to punch his classmate.

"Mmm" was heard from the direction of the bed. Izuku tried sitting up, his arms too weak to lift him, so he ended up falling back into his pillow. He moaned softly. In a blink of an eye, Shouto was next to the bed, his hand on his friend's shoulder.
"Midoriya, how do you feel?" the worry was clear in his voice. "Ti.." started Izuku before coughing into his palm. His throat was scratchy and raw, and the coughs made it much worse. He grimaced and closed his eyes shut, trying to calm his headache.
"Midoriya!" Shouto raised his voice in concern. "Calm down, half n half! Let him breathe first!". Izuku wheezed, slowly opening his eyes again.

"I think... I *cough* I'm sick" rasped the sick teen. Katsuki came closer to him, latching a palm to his forehead. "No kidding. Shit, Deku, you still have a fever, get over it already dumbass!"
"Okay, that's enough. You two, out! Midoriya needs to sleep it off, and you have school to go to. Shoo" Aizawa intervened, kicking the energetic teens out of the room.
"Problem child, go back to sleep. I'm gonna grab a coffee". Izuku was already sleeping by the time his teacher opened to door to leave.

At the kitchen Aizawa saw the crowd of drowsy students, most of them were too sleepy to even notice there is someone taller and darker between them. Ashido was yawning, handing him a mug with black coffee in it and rubbing at her eyes.
"Thanks" said the surprised teacher. "You're welcome, sensei. You look like you could use some caffeine. How is Midoriya?" she asked. "Sick" answered the teacher and stepped outside of the kitchen and back upstairs. No need to mingle with his students, they have All Might and Mic for that.

Katsuki was nervous, thinking over Deku and they way he seemed so... Weak. Deku didn't seem weak to him for months, but now he was a shivering mess. Katsuki felt guilty for Deku's negligence of his health.
Shouto was worried to no end, his best friend had been bedridden for several days now, he looked like he was about to wither and disappear. His skin was ghostly white, dark bags under his red rimmed eyes, his voice filled with pain and roughness... He should definitely help him in some way, but how?
Ochako glanced at both boys when they entered the kitchen. She knew Todoroki had probably went to see Deku kun, so she hurried to his side. "How is he? Can we go see him?" she asked nervously.
"He looked like he was dying" said the boy, eyes glued to his feet. "What?!" she gasped. "Stupid half n half just overreacting! Deku is sick but he's not f*cking dying!" Katsuki pushed her to get through to the coffee powder. 'He will be fine, right?' was what he really thought.

A commotion started in the kitchen, most of the teens slowly waking up and talking between themselves. Katsuki grunted and left the noisy kitchen, coffee in hand, and went to sit on the couch. Kirishima followed him, sitting next to him.
"What do you want, hair for brains?" Katsuki growled. "Nothing man, just to sit far away from all the noise. How are you? Did you even sleep last night? You look exhausted!" replied the red head.
Actually, Katsuki barely slept. He was too worried... But there was no way he could admit it to Shitty hair!
"Yeah, slept like a champ! Are you f*cking insulting me?" the blonde shifted the conversation course. "Hell no, dude! Alright alright, no need to kill me! See you in school?"
"Of course, where else would I be?" Katsuki was pissed. He wanted to stay in and watch the shitty nerd to make sure he was well rested, but it would draw too much unwanted attention.

Upstairs, Aizawa was exhaustedly sitting in the chair, watching Midoriya struggle to breath in his sleep. The kid coughed through his nap, becoming more and more pale as the seconds went by. He was burning with fever again, wheezing slowly. This kid will kill him.

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