All alone

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Izuku was all alone. That didn't happen since the complications to his flu started. He layed in bed, enveloped by silence, the only sound in the room was of his ragged breathe.
Izuku didn't feel sleepy, just bored. 'Maybe I can study from the notes my classmates gave me? That's a great use of the time' he thought, crawling out of bed and settling next to his desk. He had his notebooks and notes organized neatly there.

Reading proved to be rather hard, understanding the material even harder. Izuku's head was pounding, making his eyes tear. He felt very cold and was shivering in his seat.
He started panicking. 'Why can't I understand Iida's notes? Why don't I see the letters clearly?' Izuku became dizzy, resisting the urge to cry. He can't fall behind, not like that, not because of a small fever. He had worked so hard to get into UA, he must succeed in his studies.
Braced by the motivation, the sick teen decided to sit and study under his blanket where he won't be so cold. He grabbed his own notebook and a few notes and dragged himself back to bed. The warmth helped him calm a bit.

The next challenge was the coughing and sneezing. Since in the new location Izuku didn't use a table, he had all the pages rested on his lap above the blanket. Every cough made them shift in place, every sneeze got them a little more spoiled.
An hour passed and Izuku was exhausted, both mentally from trying to study through a fever, and physically from stifling the sneezes and limiting his body's natural movement. His head was heavy against his neck, making him lean back to his pillow.

Izuku probably fell asleep, because when he felt a hand pressed to his forehead and opened his eyes in surprise he saw a tall blonde man. He knew All Might was supposed to arrive during lunch to check on him (Kacchan informed him of that), so it meant it was already noon.
"Young Midoriya, how do you feel?" Yagi asked in an unhappy tone. He wasn't pleased with the notes he saw scattered on Izuku's bed and on the floor, an evidence of the kid overworking himself again.
"I'm fine..." mumbled the sleepy teen, rubbing at his eyes. He still had a headache, but he didn't want to worry his mentor. Izuku, a brilliant kid indeed, believed he could fool Toshinori Yagi that he was fine and dandy.

"Young Midoriya... I know you have a fever, and I can see all over your face that you are still sick. Please stop lying to me" that made Izuku feel just a little bit guilty. All Might was the one person he should and could always trust, a man who shared his most delicate secret with Izuku.
"Head... hurts" admitted the greenette. He put his own hand on his chest, rubbing at the pain. His lungs were burning, and he felt himself feverish and fragile.
"Can I bring you anything? Something to eat, maybe?" Yagi said in a soft voice while stroking the kid's hair in a soothing motion. Izuku shook his head slowly, a grimace on his face.

"Kid, I must ask you, why do you overwork yourself?" Toshinori's pain was present in his tone. "You study while having a fever instead of resting, why is that?"
"I... I'm sorry" Izuku said, tears streaming from his eyes. "I'm sorry for being so w-weak..."
Toshinori was surprised, to say the least. "Young Midoriya-" he was interrupted by his successor's yell "I'm not good enough to be your successor!"
The blonde man stood there, shocked. It wasn't the first time young Midoriya doubted himself, but somehow Toshinori hoped the kid got over his insecurities.

"Do you... Do you really think I'm not pleased with you?" All Might asked. Izuku was sobbing and coughing, nodding his head. "Oh, young Midoriya... You could not be more wrong..." the blonde put his hand on the kid's shoulder. "You are a great successor, otherwise I wouldn't have chosen you! Don't you trust me?"
Izuku was offered a tissue. "But I am so weak and useless, all I ever do is make you worry about me!"
"You are not weak, and you are definitely not useless. You are my heroic student, and a great kid" Toshinori crouched and hugged the sobbing kid. "And don't ever let anyone else convince you otherwise".

They sat there together for some time, Izuku as a sneezing mess and his teacher as a loving care taker. Toshinori kept handing tissues to the dripping boy, and occasionally some water to keep him hydrated.
"Do you want some tea, maybe?" offered the blonde, getting a sniffly nod as a response. "Alright, be right back!"

Izuku was alone again, but it felt different. Maybe it was because he knew that All Might will come back shortly, but the fact was that he didn't feel alone.

He was used to being alone. Growing up, it was only him and his mother. Raising a child is not cheap, so Inko had to work very hard for Izuku to get everything he needed.
When Izuku was a kid he already knew his mother is working in more than one job, and he also knew he must not interfere her. That's why whenever Izuku woke up feeling feverish or unwell he would always downplay it, pretend he was perfectly healthy, sending his mother to work with a smile. In these instances he would sometimes even go to school sick, to keep the act together. Kacchan was the only one that noticed, and on Izuku's sick days, the blonde usually didn't bully him.

Now the feeling was unfamiliar. Being taken care of was a peculear thing for the greenette. He knew how to take care of others, but he himself wasn't important... right?

When Toshinori returned with a cup of tea in his hand, the kid was asleep again. Well, he certainly tried to convince his teacher he was asleep, but Toshinori wasn't fooled. Nevertheless, the blonde sat in the chair, looking around, pretending to believe the poor act.
After what felt like 15 minutes, Toshinori has had enough. "Young Midoriya, wake up. Your tea is warm" he said, his hand on Izuku's shoulder.
Izuku opened his eyes, two emeralds glancing at the man.
"Thank you, All Might" he said, a soft smile on his face.

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