In a jiffy

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"I'm not talking to you~" said Toga in a sweet, sickening voice. "I only take orders from Tomura" she added, smiling. Aizawa grabbed the naked captured girl and dragged her toward the edge of the training ground. He needed to think of a good way to question her, and fast. Who knew what could happen if other villains from the League had also infiltrated UA.
"I am willing to speak to Izuku, though". Shouta quirked a brow, horrified. Midoriya's blood was still smeared on her hands, the jar held tight.
"I will take this" he said, snatching the bloody jar off her hands. "No!! No, that's mine! Izuku gifted me with his blood!" Toga screamed, squirming against the capture weapon wrapping her.

Shouta pulled the cloth tighter around her and stepped closer. "Midoriya did not 'gift' you anything" he filtered between his clenched teeth angrily.
"How long have you been inside the UA campus?" Shouta asked, pulling his captive behind him as he walked. "I will only speek to Izuku" said the blonde girl, pouting.
Shouta sighed and pulled out his phone. He called Yagi's number. "Aizawa, did you catch her?" Yagi said immediately as he answered the call. "Yes, but she won't answer to any of my questions. I'm bringing her to Nezu".
"Aizawa, she has accomplices here. Young Aoyama was replaced with Twice's double". Something heavy fell in Shouta's stomach. "Where is the real Aoyama?!" Asked the black haired man, slightly panicking. Slightly. "I don't know" was the reply. 'Shit'.

"I know where he is~" Toga hummed from behind him. "Spill it, devil girl" Aizawa saw red. He was furious. "You know what you need to do for that" she said in a cheerful voice. Shouta regretted he is not allowed to harm a villain once they were already captured.
"I have an idea, but I might need some help. Can you check where Shinsou is?" He asked Yagi. "I sent a message for all the teachers to warn their students to stay inside their rooms and lock the doors" Yagi responded, "so he should be at his dorm". "Perfect, thanks" Shouta ended the call, changing his direction toward the GE first year's dorms.

He realized he should probably call in advance, in case Shinsou might suspect Shouta for being a double. He hoped Shinsou would suspect that.
"Shinsou, are you in your room?" Asked the pro hero over the phone. "Yes, Present Mic said we needed to lock ourselves inside" answered the tired teen. "Why?"
"I need a favour. I will be there in 5 minutes, could you wait outside for me?" Shouta inquired. "No". 'That's my pupil!' "Unless you prove to me you are really sensei" he added. "I will let you check me" the teacher replied.
"What am I afraid of?" Shinsou asked, boredom in his tone. "Kid... you are afraid of yourself" Shouta said with sadness. He knew very well that Shinsou was afraid of using his quirk for the wrong reasons, harming innocent people in the process. "Correct, sensei. I'll be out in a jiffy".

Outside of his dorm Hitoshi found his sensei with a captured girl he recognized from the news as Toga Himiko, a member of the League of Villains. "Uh, sensei? What's happening?" Hitoshi was unsure.
"Shinsou, I need to interrogate her, could you give me a hand?" Aizawa looked more tired than usual. "Even better, I can give you the whole story" he smiled, turning to the girl.
"Hey you! What do you want with our school?" Hitoshi growled at Toga. "Not gonna talk-" she answered, then her eyes became dull and her mouth dropped.
"Here you go, sensei. What do you want to know?" Hitoshi crossed his arms as Aizawa ruffled his hair.

Toga told them everything. How she and Twice infiltrated the school in disguises eight days ago, how they used some unknown villain's blood to get Midoriya sick in the first place. Toga and Twice created the young nurse to keep Midoriya drugged with special toxins that affect his body with delayed release. For the past week Midoriya was kept sick for their plans to abduct him and several others and ensue chaos at the school.
Only Toga and Twice came to UA, and they used several students' identities to reach Midoriya each time. Another identity used was one named Hisashi Midoriya, which the League held close for a long period of time, and Toga had just finished her stock of his blood. The blood she collected from Izuku was intended for personal future use.

"What about Aoyama?" Shouta asked, concerned for his students. "Who?" Toga asked in confusion. Shouta glanced at Shinsou who shrugged in return. His hold on her was still strong, meaning she honestly didn't know who Aoyama was.
"Do you have someone inside UA? a traitor of some sort?" Shouta asked. "Oh yeah, we have one! But he never lets me cut him" she pouted. Shouta felt sick to his stomach.
"Wait, what? We have a traitor? Is it a student or a teacher?" Shinsou's eyes were wide as plates, his bored demeanor disappeared.

In the meantime, Nezu located Aoyama's phone in the campus. "Vlad" the rodent spoke, on the other sida of the phone call a grunt was heard. "I believe one of Eraser's students left his phone with your class, it is located in your dorm building".
"No way" answered Vlad King, homeroom teacher for class 1-B. "My kids won't take nothing from Aizawa's". Childish as usual, Vlad was in a constant competition with Eraser. He was sure his class was always better, always.
"Maybe you can check if the student himself was left in their dorms as well? Yagi is currently looking for him due to the emergency lockdown in campus. I would appreciate your help" Nezu tried to persuade him. "Yessir" replied the man.
"Great! I will send you the number so you could dial it yourself" it was settled.

Vlad was looking through the building, calling Aoyama's phone and listening to any ringtone or vibration from all of the rooms. After he didn't find the phone he called back to Nezu, victoriously. Of course none of his kids didn't take it.
"It must be on mute then" hummed the principal, much to Vlad's annoyance. Nazu insisted the phone was inside the building, so Vlad decided to conduct a roll call.

"Everyone, out of your rooms, NOW!" Vlad's voice rumbled through out the halls of the building. Sleepy teens appeared in their rooms' doorframes, rubbing at their eyes or yawning.
The girls' section was cleared, all girls present in their rooms, and the teacher sent them back to bed. The boys' section though...
"Where is Monoma?" Vlad growled at Tetsutetsu. "Sensei, I really don't know! I thought he was in his room!" The steel head replied. No one knew where Monoma Neito was, even though curfew was declared, both because of the hour (the usual curfew) and the threat to all of the students posed by the League.
Vlad forcibly opened Monoma's door, revealing the shocking scene. The blonde kid was crouching next to a thin body of another blonde.

"Monoma?" Vlad was confused. Was that Aoyama laid on the floor of the copy cat's room? It was hard to see clearly, since the room was dark. Monoma himself didn't move a muscle.
"Monoma, is that Aoyama next to you?" The teacher asked, approaching the pair on the floor. It was definitely Aoyama, his eyes closed but his chest moving up and down as he breathed. He was alive.
"What are you two doing here?" Vlad asked gingerly, noticing Monoma's still position. Was the kid aware of his teacher talking to him at all?

"Hello, Vlad sensei" Monoma suddenly spoke, rising from his position on the floor and turning slowly to look back at his teacher. The blonde had a maniacal smile, more so than his usual cocky one.
"I'm sad it came so quickly, my time to leave UA" he continued, his teacher's mouth agape. "But you see, my mission here is complete!" Monoma screamed, jumping toward Vlad King.
Vlad used his blood to block whatever blow the kid could use, not knowing who he came in touch with and when. What a tricky bastard, he could've been a great hero.
The copy quirked kid tried catching his teacher using the same quirk that probably put Aoyama in that induced sleep he was in. No one in the dorms had that kind of quirk, where did he get it from?

"What do you want with UA, Monoma?" Vlad yelled, above the sounds of clashing hardened blood and metal palm. So he got Tetsutetsu as well, how come the steel quirk user deny any knowledge over his location?
"The League asked me for help" Neito responded, pushing harder against his teacher's bloos spear. "I'm only telling you this because I really do respect you, Vlad sensei, out of all the teachers in this f*cking school! You stood up for me when I needed that, and my gratitude for you is not killing you! But I won't hold back for long. Let me go and I won't hurt you".
"Sorry kid, no can do. My loyalty to Nezu and Japan's society is greater than my fear of death! But know that I always believed you could be a great hero, you sly little brat". And with that, Monoma hit his head against another blood spear, appearing from seemingly nowhere.

"Nezu, I found both Aoyama and the UA traitor" Vlad shouted through the phone, holding Monoma as he ran. "I need some quirk repressor, ASAP".

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