Consider telling the truth

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Izuku fell asleep again after drinking the tea, and Toshinori took the empty cup downstairs on his way back to school. Lunch time was nearly over, so he had to return.
It was evening when Izuku woke up to hear teens talking outside his window. While he was trying to sit in bed, Kacchan already made it to his room.
"Oi nerd, you awake?" Kacchan's voice was heard from the other side of the door. Izuku cleared his throat to reply, but Kacchan didn't wait and just barged in.

"Hi Kacchan" rasped the greenette, falling into a coughing fit. "Deku, you still sound aweful. Didn't you sleep like, the whole f*cking day?!"
Izuku answered between coughs "yeah *cough* I did, but *cough cough* it's still *cough*" and before he knew it, a glass of water was shoved in his free hand. "Thanks".
"Drink it all, shitty nerd. I can see the sweat stains on your clothes, you probably lost a lot of fluids".

Katsuki glanced at the notes that were scattered on the floor. "Did you f*cking study while I was gone, you dumbass? What is f*cking wrong with you?!"
"Oh, I tried, but I fell asleep pretty fast, and-" the short teen couldn't finish his sentence. "Stop being such an overworking dumbass! I told you to f*cking rest, didn't I?! Listen to what wiser people say!"
Izuku gulped, his chest tight. He started shivering again, not knowing it it's from the cold or the fear Kacchan inflicted on him.

Katsuki noticed the shivering of the greenette. He sighed, calming himself down, and got closer to Deku. "How is your fever?" he asked, pressing his hand to Deku's forehead, making the shivering teen shut his eyes and flinch from the sudden touch.
"Tch, still there. You can't overcome a fever if you don't rest your damn ass in bed" Katsuki was irritated, but tried to play it cool.
"I rested all day, Kacchan. I slept up until I heard you come back here" Izuku sniffled, scrunching his itchy nose. He scrambled to find a tissue, for he knew what was about to come, pushing Kacchan away from his face as fast as possible.

"Hachoo! Choo! *sniff*"
"Yeah right, dumbass. You're f*cking gross, dripping and sneezing. I bet you ran around all day long" Katsuki thanked the gods Deku pushed him before exploding.
The conversation continued like that for a few minutes, before a knock on the door startled both teens. A brown bob poked through the slightly opened door, calling for Izuku.
"Deku kun, I brought you dinner! You should eat it and then take your medicine!" Uraraka stepped inside, holding a plate with some steamed veggies and an unknown substance.

"Hi, Uraraka *sniff*. How was your day?" Izuku was desperate to talk to someone other than Kacchan.
"It was nice, I missed you at school though. How was yours? Do you feel any better?"
Izuku wasn't sure how to answer her. On one hand, he still felt pretty sick, his chest ached with every breath he took, and he felt very feverish. On the other hand, he was glad to know that he wasn't alone, having All Might and his friends coming to see him. He decided to say whatever would make her the least worried about him.
"Yeah, I feel so much better" he smiled his stellar smile at the girl.
"Don't listen to the little f*cker, his fever is still high as f*ck!" Kacchan interfered.

Uraraka glanced at Izuku's face. She must have tried to figure if he's lying again. "I do feel better *sniff*, I swear" he put one hand over his heart, the second one was raised a little.
"I won't appreciate you lying to me, Deku kun, so consider telling the truth next time I ask you how do you feel. Got it?" Ochako talked as coldly as she could toward her crush. He looked so cute with his hair all messed and his rosy nose. His flushed cheeks made his green eyes look brighter as well.
"Any way, you need to eat. Here, take this" she shoved the plate into the sick teen's hands while looking away in order to hide her own blushing cheeks.

"Umm... What is this?" Izuku was too curious to stay silent. He needed to know what was on this plate, and his clogged nose wouldn't allow him to guess by smell or taste alone.
Ochako felt her face heating. "I tried cooking it by myself... I don't really know how to cook, you see... Just eat it, you probably can't taste it anyways! You sound as if your nose is blocked with cement or whatever!"
The girl rambled and fled before Izuku could say anything else. Kacchan seemed amused, like he was holding a laughter.
"Eat, shitty nerd".

After eating and taking the medicine, Izuku felt tired again. There must be something with this medicine, making him yawn everytime he takes it.
"Just go to sleep, you look tired as shit" the blonde pushed him under his blanket again.
"Kacchan... I don't want to stay alone anymore... *sniff*" it caught Katsuki by surprise. Deku usually pushed everyone away when he was sick, and Katsuki tried giving him space at school when Deku came sick. He knew why Deku did what he did, so he tried to make it easier on him on these hard fevered days. What happened today that made Deku so honest?
"I'm staying right here with you, dumbass. I promised, didn't I? Now go to sleep, you're not alone".

Izuku felt his eyes closing, he was drifting into dreamland. The last thing he saw was Kacchan's strong hand moving the hair from his forehead, his other hand putting a wet cloth over his eyes.
"Good night, Izuku" mumbled Katsuki when he was sure the stubborn teen was already asleep. He sat next to Deku's desk, trying to concentrate in his homework while also listening to the soft snores coming from the direction of the bed. No matter what, he won't push Deku away again as he did before.

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