Asking for help

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Aizawa hugged the sobbing kid. Midoriya was radiating heat, and the teacher decided to take his temperaure yet again. 40.1, it was still rising.
"Hello, Recovery girl? Yes, it's me. The fever keeps rising and the kid won't go to sleep. He can't get the medication down. No. I need your help". This is what Izuku was able to hear next to his bed. Aizawa told him that the school nurse had sent an apprentice of her to help them. "I'm not sick!" the boy insisted. "Yeah, you're right" the teacher agreed "but I need help".

The apprentice came in with a bright reassuring smile on her face. She spoke to Izuku in a calm and quiet voice while hooking him to an IV, "to prevent you from dehydrating, because you didn't drink a lot of water" she told him. She avoided saying anything about sickness or fever when she injected a medicine to his arm. "Now, thank you for having me here" she said "see you again later" she added with a smile.
Aizawa followed her outside of the room. "What do you think?" he asked her quietly. "Might be the flu, though it's not the season yet. I guess he neglected his health for quite some time for his body to reach that state. Maybe he was overworking himself? That happens sometimes in these kind of enviroments" she said, a finger pressed to her chin and her eyes looking above the tired man's head. "So am I the one to blame?" he asked in a stern voice, making the young woman chuckle in embarrassment. "Not necessarily, no. It's clear the kid doesn't want anyone to know he's sick, not even himself. He probably hid it well".

The apprentice left Aizawa her phone number and promised to come back in a few hours. By the time she left it was almost noon, and Aizawa was getting hungry. He decided to check on the kid, and if he was sleeping the teacher will go and fetch some food for himself and maybe some kind of soup for his problem child. He entered the dark room and heard soft snores from the direction of the bed. Midoriya looked like he was in pain, but at least he was sleeping. 'Great, I think I will go eat at the school. He will probably sleep for at least an hour'. Aizawa headed towards the school, closing the door to Izuku's room behind him.

Shouto saw his teacher from the classroom window when the kids were preparing to go eat lunch. He realized now is the perfect time to sneak again to see Midoriya, so he excused himself and fled towards the dorms. When he reached his friend's room he knocked on the door. There was no response.
Shouto decided to enter the room. Inside he saw his friend hooked to an IV, sleeping. His face displayed a lot of pain, and he was slightly trembling. Shouto sat on the edge of Midoriya's bed, pressing his warm hand to the boy's forehead. It was very warm against his own skin. He switched to his cold hand and activated his quirk just for some cold liquid to spread on the sick boy's burning face. Midoriya seemed somewhat relieved by the gesture.
"Choo!" A small sneeze escaped Izuku's nose, and Shouto almost melted by this cute kitten sneeze. 'If he wasn't so sick it would have been adorable' thought the taller boy.

Todoroki wasn't the only one who was worried over their classmate. A spikey blonde followed him to the dorms. Katsuki peeked inside Deku's room and saw Half n Half bastard sitting there, patting the boy's head. Suddenly, soft steps were heard from the direction of the common space below. Aizawa was there, talking on the phone with someone. Katsuki ran to the washroom to hide, while Shouto left the room and ran upstairs.
Aizawa climbed the stairs holding a bowl of soup in his hand. He entered Midoriya's room and left the door open so that some fresh air will enter (he didn't want to open the window because of the sunlight, but the corridor was much less sunny). The teacher put his hand on his student's warm shoulder, waking him up.

"Time to eat, problem child" he said softly, pressing his other hand to the mystriously not so warm forehead of the germ infested brat. The kid opened his red rimmed eyes slowly, blinking with confusion smeared all over his face. "Todoroki-kun?" he asked with a rasp voice, then coughed a little.
"Easy there kid, it's just me again. Did you dream about Todoroki?". "I guess I did" whispered Izuku, looking at his hand. "Here, you should eat something, it will give you energy" said the teacher, helping the boy sit up in bed and then handing him the bowl and a spoon. A trembling scarred hand pushed the bowl aside, a disgusted expression filling the kid's face. "Not hungry?" asked the teacher, to which Izuku shook his head slowly.

"Okay, since I already woke you up, it's a great time for you to explain. Why do you insist of hiding your sickness?" Pressed the teacher while glaring at Izuku's eyes. "I'm not sick" repeated Izuku. "Yes, you are. I'm not playing that game anymore. You're not fooling anyone. What is it that makes you so afraid to admit you're sick?"
Shouto was already on his way back to school, sneaking quietly out of the dorms, but Katsuki was still there and listened to the conversation being held in Deku's room.
"I'm quirkless..." said Izuku, his voice only a whisper. "What do you mean, problem child? I saw you use that reckless quirk of yours many times now". "But I am quirkless, always had been. I'm already weaker than every one. I am already sick. I can't become sicker or weaker..." the boy insisted, tears in his eyes. Aizawa was getting very worried now, the kid was probably delirious to have said that.

"Midoriya, you are not weak. You're stronger than most of the kids in this school, you've proved it already. You took down villains by yourself more than once-"
"But I am just a quirkless, helpless Deku!" Izuku shouted angrily. Aizawa looked at his student in shock. It was not like him to shout like that. Something was definitely wrong with him. "I don't understand" exclaimed the teacher.

"His quirk only manifested when he was 14" Bakugo suddenly appeared at the door frame. "He was quirkless before then, and was believed to stay as such. He is a rare case of late quirk manifestation" he added and came inside, sitting on the edge of the greenette's bed. He never before thought that it was him that made Deku act like that all of those years, denying help from every one, including his own mother.
"Is that why he couldn't control his quirk at first? Was it new to him?" Aizawa asked Bakugo, ignoring the fact that the explosive boy was not supposed to be there. "Yeah" sighed the blonde, looking at Midoriya sobbing. "He didn't have an entire childhood to get used to it like us. He had only few months to prepare for the entrance exam".

Izuku was crying, he wasn't sure what was going on around him. The fever and its symptoms had him so exhausted. "Can I go to sleep now?" he asked weakly, two sets of eyes looking at him with surprise. "Don't you want to eat something before that?" asked Aizawa, worried that the kid had an empty stomach for so many hours now. "I'm not hungry, just tired" said Izuku, looking at his scarred hand. "Let me just take your temperature real quick" said the teacher, handing Izuku the thermometer. The boy sighed, shoving the damned thing under his tongue, still avoiding both of his visitors' eyes. Beep.
"39.9 c. You're getting better, kiddo" said Aizawa, patting Izuku's head and helping him lay down again. The kid coughed a little and closed his eyes.

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